I have 5 plants. They are around 15inches tall, and are growing nicely.
However, all have recently grown flower buds and have dropped them at different stages. Some even after they have just opened.
Currently i have 1 flower bud on all of them and it have just opened. I am not sure if it will drop that too though.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going wrong?
I've been taking an interest in this thread lately as I've been growing tomato's over the past couple years but now fancy a little change. Am I a little late to start with chillies now?
it looks like i should try habenero and scotch bonnet and hopefully they will taste like that sauce does.
923k is weak sauce! a bhut jolokia has been measured at just over 1.1mil
Just out of interest, what are you planning on doing with your Nagas when they fruit?
I dry my nagas and crush them into flakes / powder.
Did you try putting them in the oven like I did.
BAD BAD idea I couldnt breath. the dog ran out the house when he could smell t LOL
I'm still waiting for my Bhut Jolokias to germinate...
This is the funny marks appearing on leaves, any ideas what is causing it?
Ah great, thanks. How do i know when they are ready to harvest? Do they get to a certain size?
I'm really confused.
My tepin is fruiting like mad, about 14 3" peppers, but none of them are ripening. All still green, when they should be going to yellow and then red.
Plant itself is healthy, and I feed once a week with Chilli Focus.
What gives?!?!