Few of my plants are getting yellow leaves. Is this down to over- or under-watering you reckon?
Thanks Skeeter, but I wasn't after how to preserve the seeds, but the actual chilli plants themselves. I've read a few people on here manage to keep their plants through Winter, and then start getting them ready to grow chillies again in about February. I wanted to know how I could do the same as I have around 50 plants and I'd be really sad to let them all die given that all my 45 bird eye chilli plants were germinated from seed by myself.
I would have used Google, but nothing beats the advice of the veterans in this thread, which is why I asked here.
Hi Nick. Btw them seeds u sent me before didn't germinate Thanks anyhow tho for them. Didnt use em all so some might still be ok. I think i'll use them next year in feb.
About the over wintering of the plants. Didn't feed them just watered but as most of the other stuff is flowered and fruiting i decided to use some of my Bio-Grow on all the plants. But mums been watering while i been ill so i duno if its helped and i only added it few weeks ago.
quick question, when ready to pick do they just come off really easily? mine have gone from green to yellow/red which is the colour they go when ripe, but they aint coming off easily!
Got more than the one chilli of the plant, yeah?
Bargain if you live in Bedfordshire or can get there!
Its started going brown at the bottom of the stem, so hopefully its big enough to survive the winter.
Ok this is a completely stupid question but I'm asking without googling, how easy is it to make naga chilli oil? and can you cook with it?
I love the chilli oil you get at "Ask" etc
Yes I know probably a stupid question....
So...my chilli plant is around 2ft tall, has lost most of its bigger leaves at the base but the top leaves are OK, due to lack of sunlight lately, only 1 chilli has turned red, the others green. After I harvest the plant, is it toast or can it be re-seeded?
How well do they fair in sub zero temps? Or are they a bring indoors/heat up the greenhouse affair?