The 2011 Chilli growing thread - it's scorching!

Yup, Nagas take a while to germinate, some of mine took longer than a month! I'd recommend ~27degC so sticking them on the router should do nicely! (just keep an eye on the moisture)
The seeds I sent out are from the Naga that was the fastest to germinate. If the seeds take after the parent they should be quicker germinating, faster growing and quick to harvest. The other two naga plants are slower but they seem to drink less water (perhaps it's because I tried a more soil heavy mix in their pots).

Fingers crossed for you :D
Where's the best place to get some seeds? I'm looking for Pusa Jwala. Might order some Jalapeño as well if the price is right. Will be my first attempt at growing chilli's, looking forward to it.

I've not tried this place however they have Pusa Jwala on their web page.
Might be tempted to grab some, however at the same time I want to keep my Naga plants as pure as possible. They're the plants from the seeds bought directly from Joy and Michael Michaud.
how much light do you need been looking around and you can get 600w dual spectrum sunmaster

and a reflector with fitting for around £20. For your average wardrobe say

900mm wide 550mm depth and 1800mm heigh. Could you split that into an upper and lower chamber fitted with mylar all over. Would one bulb be more than enough for each chamber, would two be better? or one of each colour? how tall is your average chilli and how high above the plant would you need to hang such a bulb?

Ok, that's a HPS bulb not a CFL bulb. You'll need a ballast and a load of space + ventilation..
If you look at my original thread you'll see a 400W HPS bulb (well a Halide which is blue). You'll need about 4 foot above the top of the plant with a 400W.. They give off much more light and a 600W is way way way too much for the size of cupboard you're planning.
Also with HPS you'll want to ensure it's not in a moist atmosphere - the bulb itself gets extremely hot. In a closed environment the plants will get extremely hot too.
Hydroponics is expensive to get into.

You need pots, pumps etc and the nutrient solution. Basically it's soilless and the nutrient solution is pumped over the roots every 15 minutes or so.

I looked into this with the HPS stuff. It's probably better to use just the bulb and normal potted plants. You have the option of putting them outside/window sills once they get too big.. hydro plants can be repotted but getting the roots sorted is an experience!
Yup, the Nagas will be slower than the others. It's quite comical how the other species zoom ahead but the naga tortoise then just keeps going until it towers of the others!

Always think that the naga stems have a great colour patterning - green and purplish.

Looking good, the hab may want a little breeze to strengthen the stem.
I've just received some scotch bonnet and habanero chocolate seeds.

How many should I plant (20 in a pack), oh and how many plants are people maintaining at a time?

Hehe question is do you want to be overrun by chilli plants and have chillis coming out of your ears? :p Bit of a catch-22 as you don't know if they'll germinate and when you attempt to correct for any non-germinations they all will..

I have only have three plants here but I started with 5 jalapeno and 5 naga when they started. The plan is to grow them this year again and harvest some seed from them as they'll be three years old this year.

In the first year the jalapenos provided a massive load of chillis. The Nagas only totalled about 6 from three plants. Last year each of the overwintered Nagas put out at least 30 fruit (I think it was something over 100+ fruits in total). I gave away my jalapenos in the first year.

Which reminds me - I must order some Chilli Focus for my over wintered plants.
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Fingers crossed :D .. always worry that something I've sent out doesn't germinate.

Which reminds me - I have three more to send out lol
They are gnats. The grubs nibble young roots but older plants will survive them and young plants will survive usually too (just be a little slower growing).

If the soil is moist and exposed they'll appear. Also they can be in poor quality or natural compost. One option is to use bottom up watering and also put a layer of perlite on top to make them think it's not soil but dry sand etc.
Here is my super bell pepper plant from last year, its a bit slow but im hoping it will regrow the branches and give some fruit this year. If anyone has overwintered chilli plants before could u let me know if this is ok and will grow ok or is it too slow at regrowing?

That's fine.. it's still early. Once it starts it will have a head start over seedlings and will very very quickly bushout.
If the leaves are dying off in that way I normally just nip them with a fingernail at the stem.

I'd look at watering (over watering) and possibly nutrients (are you feeding them anything?).
Ahh pebbles make it look nice :)

I wanna pick my chillis, getting excited!

Patience young Pedawin.

My Nagas are being very slow this year.. I think they need some feeding as the soil must be completely spent by now. Although it's been really cold too which probably confuses the poor things. I have flowers on two the other is really not bothering.
Some good crops here :D

I've not been so lucky - due to the new job and getting engaged, the plants and everything have taken a back seat. :( I'm vowing to get an crop next year as the place we're looking at has a garden \o\ |o| /o/

My nagas took an age to start setting fruit. They really shone in their next season.
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