*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I've found that improving my sleep patterns so they are less eratic has helped me lose weight.In the last two weeks I have been sleeping more but everything else has remained fairly constant and I have managed to lose just over a kilo. It's quite nice cause it shows that I can sit at this weight easily and then cut for the comps :)
Might have to try 4 scoops of jack3d when in gym later, depends how far away the toilets are!
Ugh...right, turns out my shoulder doesn't like shoulder presses since my injury, as in it clicks on the down part of the rep...Would this ease over time or should I look into doing other things once I feel its up to scratch?
Delvis, my shoulder gives me a bit of gyp from time to time, but I train through it. I can make mine click at any point just by moving my arm in a circular motion. As long as you keep your form strict and warm up (with light weight and even no weight) I'd say you should be okay.
Big day in the gym for me and my team tomorrow. We are attempting to lift 1'000'000KG for charity. We have from 9am till 4pm to do it and so far we have about 25 people turning up. Time to start sweating I think!
4 scoops of jack3d would be horrible for me :o. Currently taking one.

Took last week off the gym for some recovery, did 1 session of HIIT and nothing bar that, got drunk 2 nights and spent another eating crap :o, weight still about the same.

Squatted 100kg for 2 sets of 5 and 1 of 4 on tuesday which wasn't too bad, my knee was playing up the week prior thats why I took a week off.

About to head to the gym now to hit chest and triceps then some cardio :).
Delvis, my shoulder gives me a bit of gyp from time to time, but I train through it. I can make mine click at any point just by moving my arm in a circular motion. As long as you keep your form strict and warm up (with light weight and even no weight) I'd say you should be okay.

Sadly it's slightely mroe than that buddy :(

Before Christmas something happened to it, and I couldn't move it...the simplest of things like moving and pushing open a door caused agony...Sat here now its niggling a bit :p

Just annoys me, every time i try and better myself health / body wise carp like this happens
might end up concocting my own!

I did this. Taurine, Beta Alanine, Citrulline Mallate, AAKG & cafeine. Resulted in skin tearing pumps (no really did give me stretch marks).


1,000,000 /25 people= 40,000 tonnes each.

Considering a 'proper' leg session would consist of 30 + tonnes then you've each got 1333 leg sessions to do tomorrow! :eek:

You're all in deep...balls deep.
heh I think your maths is a bit out there.

just to clarify 40,000 tonnes each would be 40million kg each

they've each got 40000kg to lift. No mean feat!
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Probably, depends how strong these guys are. Otherwise it's going to be a lot of reps :p

I'm on the team, it won't be a problem :p

After my normal friday session I have about 34000kg left. Mostly leg pressing with some bonus deadlifts should make it very do-able.
Leg pressing seems like a pretty easy way to do it.

Real men go for 400 x 100kg deadlifts. Deadlift once each minute for the whole day!
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