*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Crunches, reverse crunches, side bends and hanging leg raises are without a doubt the best ab exercises around today.

DB windmills, quite possibly the most punishing core exercise I've ever done. You'll get increased shoulder stability & hamstring flexibility too.
I can assure you Morba isn't the member you're thinking of ;)

Firstly,,,, Appologies to Morba I was skim reading on my lunch break!

My Diet.

7am 3/4 scrambled eggs and 2 scoops of inner armor gainer ( I know I could do with some wholegrain toast but tbh I hate it, makes me sick all morning and I get a big dose of carbs from the shake anyway)

9am 1 scoop of pharma whey

11 Chicken lettuce and wholemeal pasta with some piri piri sauce.

1 Big chicken wrap with lettuce and peppers.

3.30 Tuna and brown pasta and lettuce

4.45 1 scoop of pharma whey

5.20 work out.

After gym 2 scoops inner armor again

8 Whatever my family are having but nearly always a good protein source and green veg.


11 - Half pint of skimmed milk with scoop of whey and spoonfull of boditronics peanut butter.

Also snack on cashew nuts in between meals.

I train 3 days a week, I have listed my core workout but sometimes a few exercises will get changed around, also they are not in order I always start with the heaviest compound. On average I'm in the gym about 45 mins, I like to get in do my thing and leave.

Monday - Chest and Tris

Stick to 6 excercises 8x3

DB bench
Tricep extensions
Incline DB bench
Tricep Pulldown
Cable flies/DB flies.
Close grip bench BB.

But as I said earlier if I feel I have had a really bad bench session Ill try to do some dips at the end.

Wed - Back and Bis

Concentration Curls
EZ bar curls

If I feel my pullups have been crap Ill try and do some lat pull downs at the end.


Legs and Shoulders

Calf Raise
Walking lunges
Overhead press DB
BB Shrugs
DB Lat Raise

I am having some good gains in strength and muscle I think on all other areas, apart from my chest which leads me to believe it is prety much all down to the form. I will take your advice and start small again, found some good videos to watch for form.

As for the last point yes I agree but I try to do my research and actually follow advice. If I wanted strength I would be on a 5x5 program. I am not trying to go massive but enjoying a nice steady progression on all lifts apart from my bench which is very disheatening. Also I don't want to end up out of proportion!
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Pre-bed meal.... casein protein shake vs peanut butter + cottage cheese.

Thoughts? I'd throw in some omega oil with the shake for good fats + slow release protein. but the latter is a more 'natural' source as it's real food.. but i'd be avoiding the few carbs in the cottage cheese.. and i wouldn't have to fanny about with ZMA timings (as the calcium in CC ruins zinc absorption).

I have half pint of skimmed milk with a scoop of pharma whey and a tb spoon of peanut butter blended in. I look forward to this every night haha.

Cheers for the advice but unfortunately that last sentence was absolute gibberish to me!
was going to go for my first workout in ages today, but i still havent updated ifitness with my new routine, going to do it tomorrow, just putting some new songs on now.

just going to do some physio today.
they look interesting, like elbow sleeves!

Yup can get the exact same material for an elbow sleeve on the sight. I know this isnt gonna work any miracles.

When I have more time in a couple months I'm gonna look into some foam rolling work on my legs and see if that helps little niggly problems with my knees.
Anyone tried training each body part twice a week for size?

yep. its not as hard as people think tbh. I wouldnt say do 2 full on body part sessions a week, but take your normal single session and split it over the week.

So for back as an example:

Normal session:

spread over 2 sessions:

S1: deads & lat pull down
S2: chins, BORs and powercleans

over 3:

s1: deads
s2: chins and BORs
s3: pull downs and power cleans

If anything, doing the work over 2 sessions is a good idea, you have more energy to complete the exercise when you come to it.
I'm wondering if it's better for size to train that way instead of hitting the body part once every 7 days.
Know the feeling - I'm on the second day of recovery from my first Circuit Training session. I believe that I have discovered some new muscles.

Feels great! :D

Physically limping everywhere at the moment - can't wait to start ramping up the weights. However, it's been a while since I've actually hurt so much. Only problem is I have such bad DOMS that I'm cramping up a lot :(
Just wondering if anybody could give me some advice on stretch marks?

I have got some around the waist area but that is most likley due to me having had put on weight saying that i was 6ft3 and 15.7 stone (currently 14.11) so i know people a lot larger then me at that point who didn't have any. However, i am also starting to get some around my bicep area and other places and was wondering if anybody has any advice how to get rid of them or make them less visible? And is natural for people to have like tighter skin causing them to be more apparent and regular? Will the fade away with further weight loss?
they will fade if you stop growing. tbh dont worry about them, nobody is bothered by them except yourself :)
I use bio oil on the prone areas, unfortunately once you have stretch marks you can never make them go away totally, but they will fade and go light.
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