20 minutes of stretching, followed by 10 minutes of foam roller.Clean then, Standing Barbbell Press.
40kg x10
50kg x5
60kg x5
70kg x5
60kg x5
60kg x5
50kg x5
40kg x10
40kg x10
Side Lateral Raises
12kg x8
13kg x8
14kg x8
13kg x8
12kg x5
At this point my shoulders felt like Truck Tires, they had the best pump I've ever felt in them.
Ez Curl bar Upright Rows
40kg x5
50kg x5
60kg x5
55kg x5
50kg x5
50kg x5
Barbell Shoulder Shrugs.
70kg x10
90kg x8
110kg x8
120kg x8
130kg ( with straps ) x8
130kg ( with straps ) x8
130kg ( with straps )x8
120kg ( with straps )x8
110kg x8
90kg x8
You do 30 sets for shoulders?
It's about average for me on a light week.
you do 70x5 shoulder pressing on your light week?
what's your BW again?
Considering your press in relation to your bench do you struggle activate your chest properly? As you can press the same as me but your bench seems to be trailing in comparison to your press.
My man flue is gone! Had a great training day for shoulders and traps. Also got to test out my new lifting straps I got on the cheap.
20 minutes of stretching, followed by 10 minutes of foam roller.
I feel amazing despite still feeling groggy yesterday!
Straps are odd though, took me a while to get them on and working like I wanted ahaha. At least they have 4mm of foam/sponge on the wrist part so were a bit comfy.
Hands were quite tired at this point.
I'd say that was too much volume mate.
As far as I remember you're primarily training for strength, and I know you're saying that this is your light week, but it seems a bit like you're stuck between powerlifting and bodybuilding methods for what you've posted.
In terms of powerlifting or general strength increase, light work should not be done with such high volume. Fair enough if you want to put some mass on, but there are better ways of doing that with powerlifting in mind.
Just because you CAN do more reps with 70% load, doesn't mean you necessarily should. For some light (I'm assuming kinda speed?) work, a good thing to have in the back of your mind is that you want to finish your work out feeling stronger than when you started (the same goes for some max effort stuff as well).