*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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OK gents I'm trying to arrange some kind of routine for the new year. I'm really training (or eating!) for weight loss still but I enjoy weight training so wanna make some progress still there. I trained for about 2/3rds or last year and lost about 50lbs but I want to smash that this year, last year I was doing full body 3x a week.

This is what I'm currently thinking.

Mon - Chest/Tri
Flat Bench
DB Incline Bench
DB Flyes (Incline?)
Cable Standing Fly (Cable X-Over aka)
Skull Crusher
Cable Tri Extension
Cable Pulldown

Wed - Back/Bi
Close grip pulldown (chin up style, I can't do real chins for any worthwhile reps because I'm still a heavy ******* :p)
Wide grip pulldown
DB Shrugs
DB Curls
Hammer Curls
Preacher Curls

Fri - Leg/Shoulder
Leg Press
Squatz (After sitting on my arse for years I have hilarious dormant rear leg muscles so this should be fun)
Leg extensions
Hamstring Curl
Seated DB Shoulder Press
Lateral Raises
Front Raises? / Arnold presses?

30 mins cardio after regardless.

I want to get deads in there somewhere but don't think I'd ever be able to do it. My gym is tiny and full of cardio bunnies, I've never seen anyone in their do a DL and I think I'd struggle to actually find the space for it and be confident in my form! I'm particularly interested in any other back exercises and chest exercises, I find flyes and x-overs get me tonnes of chest activation/DOMs compared to presses so anything similiar would be well received!

Thanks for any help gents!
If you have space to do BORs then you have space to do deads :)
Shrugs belong to shoulder session :p
You could swap out some chest for dips, also that's a lot of work in 1 session on your tris. I'd prefer 2 tri exercises but go heavier on them.
If you have space to do BORs then you have space to do deads :)
Shrugs belong to shoulder session :p
You could swap out some chest for dips, also that's a lot of work in 1 session on your tris. I'd prefer 2 tri exercises but go heavier on them.

Good point :p. Tris I generally do pulldowns If I can't get a bench for skulls. Will have a look at BW dips, there's no bars but I guess I could use the edge of a bench or something.
That would be more for tris than chest, maybe pressups off a swiss ball? Try them with only one leg on the ball and it will help your core also
First post in here of 2011 pour moi :)

Hope you all had great christmas' and new year celebrations, got drunk (well, not so much :p) and were merry with those around you who you love.

Slacked MAJORLY over the xmas holidays, did the same thing last year.
Lost 6 pounds, sucks, but it'll come back in no time

Going to wittle down my carbs for 2 weeks to try and trim a little fat then resume the bulk.

- Shake +porridge
- Potatoe/tuna/cheese
- handful of nuts
- postworkout shake
- meat/veg/rice or egg noodles
- greek yoghurt + 1scp whey + milk before bed


- Monday, 20mins cardio + chest/shouder/tri (flat press/incline press/shoulder press/cable flys/lateral+side raises/dips
- Tuesday, 1hr cardio + abs
- Wednesday, 20mins cardio + back/bi (DL, WGPU, BOR, seated cable row, barbell curls + concetrated curls, shrugs
- Thursday, 1hr cardio + abs
- Friday, 20 mins cardio + Legs (first time in weeks, they are in a lot of trouble!)

2k11 targets in concurrent order;

- hit the '1k club' across DL/BP/Squat(in lb's, obviouslly!)
- hit 200lb roughly 14st 4lb
- 500lb Deadlift (226.8kg)
- 300lb benchpress (136.1kg)

pretty ambitious tbh, but it's good to aim high right!
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If you want a good tricep superset try this:

CGBP + Cable extension
CG Pressups (make a sort of diamond shape with your thumb and forefingers, with plates on your back I think I go up to about 50kg) + EZ bar French Press

Feel the burn! You need to go super heavy and hit 6-8 reps.
I am going to be focusing on crossfit exercises this year, splitting it as follows:

Mondays - Crossfit WOD
Tuesdays - Calestetics
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Legs and back (Deadlifts and Front squats), Arms and chest (Muscle-ups with gymnast rings)
Friday - Rest
Saturday- Arms and chest (Muscle-ups with gymnast rings)
Sunday - Rest

Muscle-up currently at 10 in around 1 minute.

I know there are a lot of rests in there but the DOMs I feel from the Monday WOD and gymnastic rings puts me out for 2 days consistently.

I am trying to reduce mass but keep strength so that I can manipulate my BW with all limbs independently, hence the focus on gymnastic rings.

This past Monday I did the "Linda" crossfit WOD and that was pure murder doing it as rx'ed in 30:12, aiming to get that down as it was the first time I performed it, but I am still feeling it today. Has anyone tried any of the crossfit WODs before, its a real eye opener to see just how lacking ones fitness is, even if your capable of pushing big weights crossfit WODs are humblers (even excluding the cardio ones).
Morba said:
That's a nice simple routine

Yeah, only for a couple of weeks (to feel better about the inevitable Xmas indulgence :( ), then will be concentrating back on the 8 rep program I was on at the start of my bulk, saw the most gains in terms of size then, have moved to 8-12 reps, and am now on the same weight for those reps that I was doing for 8/8/8 :p

If you want a good tricep superset try this:

CGBP + Cable extension
CG Pressups (make a sort of diamond shape with your thumb and forefingers, with plates on your back I think I go up to about 50kg) + EZ bar French Press

Feel the burn! You need to go super heavy and hit 6-8 reps.

How about Skullcrushers using a barbell (preloaded), and then straight into CGPB before putting hte bar down? I tend to do these on arms day, gives a sweet old burn!
Hi lads,

Just started getting back into it after a few weeks off over Xmas. Weight seems to have gone up by about avg 2Kg which surprised me. Not sure if that's fat or muscle growth as I've been eating like a pig.

Anyhow I went for a 5 mile run on Sunday which was fine, much slower time than usual but I'm not bothered with running at the moment. Monday I hit the weights - Trics/Chest/Shoulders, with the plan to do some biceps/back today. Since Monday my body has felt... 'raped' I guess would be an accurate description. Literally got aches all over, especially neck and my triceps are screaming. Legs are pretty knackered from the run (mostly hilly terrain) Even pretending to do a barbell bicep curl induces pain! :D

Normal or did I hit it too hard on Monday? I was going for 40 minutes non-stop and probably couldn't have rested for more than 40 seconds at any time. Perhaps it was too much considering I haven't hit the weights for a few weeks. I'm delaying the weights until tomorrow, might hit the running this afternoon.

How about Skullcrushers using a barbell (preloaded), and then straight into CGPB before putting hte bar down? I tend to do these on arms day, gives a sweet old burn!

Yeah though the movements are similar - hence why I suggest a completely different movement - however if it works then it's all good! :)
Added barbell lunges into my legs day today. Never really done them before but they are a great exercise. My glutes feel pretty badly beaten up - especially doing them straight after my squats. Take that butt cheeks!
Good post. We'll just have to agree to disagree on there being a use for partials :) Though I may well be wrong about the sprinting, I was just thinking of examples that I had seen in my previous gym (county rugby players, sprinters and high jumpers). So as you said very specific training for a specific use.

Good point about being safer on the knee to go deep - couldn't agree more.

The strange things is, despite probably (but possibly not) being told by coaches to do partials all of those guys would almost certainly get better results from doing a full ROM, especially the sprinters and the rugby chaps. Certain mentalities seem to get ingrained within groups or clubs, and partials end up getting used because "you don't have to be as flexible", "they're more specific to my sports" yada yada... None of which is really relevant. To makes things worse, you get top flight gifted individuals who still get decent results training with improper form. Try telling one of them that they should go to depth even if it means using less weight :o
its like that with most training icecold, people do whats been done many times before, because its safe ground.
Hey all,

I've googled around but I'm still confused - are dairy products OK whilst trying to cut (well, follow a healthier diet in general). The reason I ask is because milk and plain yoghurt has a low GI which surprises me given the carbs in them "of which sugars" is all of them - all sugary carbs and a low GI rating confuzzles me :o

So for example to get some of my carbs from milk and yoghurt is still OK? Presumably it'd be OK before bed too since the spike in insulin shouldn't be that high? (going back to previous things I've read on here re. insulin and growth hormone release when sleeping).

Dairy isn't the best on a cut, but tbh I wouldn't worry about it too much if doing it long term. I couldn't not have milk! :)
Diet as of today:

Could probably do with upping protein a little bit and lowering carbs, I don't think a low carb/higher fat diet I'd be able to easily adjust to but currently sticking very well to this, and that's whats important.

Worked the macros at 28% fat/36% carb/38% protein.

Think I've lost ~ 5kilos in 2 weeks (had a lot of water weight and rubbish to get rid of)

Starting to see a bit of weight loss around belly (a lot of water loss) and jeans are feeling looser and lost a bit off my legs (much needed, I can fit into my jeans better now!).

Also got delivery of some bio oil today to reduce scarring around arms/chest.
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I was reading up on the benefits of "Non" Failure training. I.e. Not training to failure, but still doing 'enough', and how it is like cardio training - if you train for too hard/long you'll just build up lactic acid and the like, whilst not really achieving much else. I think the same can be said for DOMS, to a degree. If you are getting massive amounts of DOMS you are probably doing too much. You should be able to feel like you have done a workout for a day or two, but not have any real discomfort, and definitely no pain.

I do most of my training not to failure. Although I haven't trained for all out hypertrophy in a while.

tbh there is quite a big difference between failing on a triple or a 1RM and failing on a 12 rep set.
Starting my first round of Hypertrophy Training this week and looking forward to it :)
I'm going for a 4-day classic Pull/Push, Legs & Hips, Push/Pull, Legs & Hips routine.
Most sets will be 30-60 secs rest and slightly increasing reps/weight each week (where necessary).
Day1: Pull/Push
A) Wide grip lat pull, 4 x 8-12 (not sure whether to change for Pull ups?)
B) BB bent over row, 4 x 8-12
C) Seated row (close grip), 3 x 8-12
D) DB chest press, 3 x 8-12
E) Shoulder overhead press (single arm), 3 x 10-15
F1) Biceps curl, 3 x 8-12
F2) Rear deltoid fly, 3 x 10-15

Day2: Legs & Hips
A) Back squat, 4 x 10-15
B) Front squat, 3 x 8-12
C) Reverse lunge (same side), 3 x10-12
D1) Hamstring curls, 3 x 8-12
D2) Leg extension, 3 x 8-12
E) Calf raise, 3 x 12-15

Day3: Push/Pull
A) DB Chest Press 3x 8-12
B) BB Incline Press 3x 8-12
C) BB Shoulder Overhead Press 3x 10-15
D) Seated Row (Wide grip) 3x 8-12
E) Close Grip Lat pull 4x 8-12
F1) Triceps extension 3x 8-12
F2) Lateral Delt Fly 3x 10-15

Day4: Legs & Hips
A) Deadlift, 4 x 8-10
B) Bulgarian split squat ,3 x 8-12
C) Glute/ham raise, 3 x10-12
D1) Hip thrust, 3 x 12-15
D2) Calf raise, 3 x 12-15
E) Cosgrove squat complex, 1-2 sets

So anyone that has done some Hypertrophy training, what do you think of this setup? It was taken from T-nation with a few slight mods, any other ideas or change suggestions?

Seems quite nicely balanced. Good luck with the glute/ham raise, they really suck!
Also got delivery of some bio oil today to reduce scarring around arms/chest.

Keep meaning to post my comparison shots up, hopefully will get around to it this weekend!

Make sure you spend a good 1-2 minutes rubbing it in as it takes a while for the skin to take.
Got some really bad stretch marks on both inside thighs :( they're really red :(

And some small ones on each of my biceps :(

I hope they go away, or will they always be there now?
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