*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Got some really bad stretch marks on both inside thighs :( they're really red :(

And some small ones on each of my biceps :(

I hope they go away, or will they always be there now?

they will trun silverish and be less noticeable, the sun does them good. :)
but will never go away completely I'm affraid.
First session back after a 10 day break. Was just taking the opportunity to check the quality oh my phone and form :D

150KG - 6 Reps, Raw... 6th working set.

Some chap came in and he was like "Wow, nice one." I was like "Cheers" then I said to a friend "how long are you on your cycle for?" That guy gave really weird looks, then my friend said "By cycle he means cutting and not stereoids!" LOL :D

Almost stole some of my thunder!
Nice work :) You're back is looking nice and stable there, chest is nicely up.

A couple of quick points though, although I imagine it being your last working set might be having some effect. Firstly, there is a slight internal knee rotation at the bottom of the rep. This can mean a weakness in the knee joint and/or a slight imbalance with your VMO (Vastus Medialis Oblique, part of your quad). Concentrate on pushing your knees out over your toes, and possibly try a narrower stance. If this happens quite a lot it will be well worth training with lighter weights and focusing on your knees for a while because this isn't a stable way to lift. Notice how your hips wobble slightly? This is the probable cause. Something else to look out for is the pronation on your right foot, notice how it bends inwards slightly? This is probably partly due to your knees but also weak ankles and possibly a slighty collapsed bridge on your foot (all very common). This will all take a little bit of power out of your drive, so they are worth correcting. Pronation is slightly trickier to fix, for starters pay attention to the way you walk and make sure you aren't doing it. Now a fairly minor point considering the work you've already done, but important if you ever want to compete. It doesn't look like you are fully hitting parallel; you need to have the place where the top of your thigh meets your hips level or below your knee. It's hard to tell from the camera angle, but certainly your first two reps aren't low enough. Oh and try to really drive your hips through at the top of the rep to get some good glute/hamstring activation.
I was gonna mention the rotation and the lifting of the outside of the right foot a little, its a tiny tiny thing though and icecold has picked it up already.

good work though fella, you are lifting so very strong for your weight :D
Snap on the pronation :p. Sounds odd but try to walk with greater pressure on the outside of your feet. I was told that while something like a collapsed bridge wouldn't be a problem right now, as you begin to get stronger it can increase your risk of getting other injuries (knee, back, etc). Mine is partially from tight/weak right hip so you may want to consider looking into some hip strengthening/loosening exercises. Also I would really consider narrowing your stance a tad, at least until you know whether your foot is a problem or not (can't see if it's both feet or not from the vid, if it is narrowing will definitely help).

All the same, nice progression :)
Do you guys all do squats as quick as that as well? I tend to spend a little bit of time chilling at the bottom of my rep to stop the reflex affect or whatever it's called. Been doing squats in the past where you essentially bounce at the bottom and this gives you added momentum in your lift back up, but is obviously cheating! Been trying to fix that in my last session :)
Do you guys all do squats as quick as that as well? I tend to spend a little bit of time chilling at the bottom of my rep to stop the reflex affect or whatever it's called. Been doing squats in the past where you essentially bounce at the bottom and this gives you added momentum in your lift back up, but is obviously cheating! Been trying to fix that in my last session :)

I usually pause for a second at the bottom, then "explode" to the top. However, I think as long as the negative is slow and controlled, it doesn't really matter.
I usally have a more controlled slow negative, and really explode on the way up. There is a pause to prepare myself for the change of movement.

DS - try doing some glute stretches, and some OH squats to warm up. It's a good way of opening up the hips an loosening hip flexors. The better and deeper you get with them the better the mobility too.

Glute stretches are easy and very effective. Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor, but knees raise off the ground (as if you were doing a sit up/crunch). Place one leg/ankle on the thigh (as if you were crossing your legs or placing a leg on the other), hook your arm under your leg and the other pulling on your thigh back towards you, you should feel a pulling sensation in the glutes. Having started to do that my hip flexibility/mobility has increased hugely. Also doing regular ham stretches on my back.

My Brother had Stretch Marks - mainly around his delts/armpits and along his arms as well.

Although the skin is quite stretchy, if you grow too quickly, you do get them - they eventually turn silver and fade, but they don't go away as they are effectively scar tissue. I do have some on my back probably from a growth spurt.
I'm riddled with them, though unfortunately most are not from muscle gain, they are from fat gain when I ballooned in my post-school years (used to do a lot of sport and exercise in school, stopped when I left but kept the appetite/diet, and depression didn't help either, lol.)

Most are on my lats, bis and some where my shoulder meets armpits. Quite a few on my belly too :o
Oh well, my inner thigh one's I'm not too fussed about as how often is anyone going to see them, even with shorts on.

The ones on my bicep again aren't too bad, only really noticeable when I flex, and again, not really much of a problem as most of the time I'm not. Only when I'm around girls, then I walk around with my arm constantly tensed ;) usually curling the first item I see
I'm genuinely not bothered by them. Most are over 10years old now so can only see a slight silverly shimmer unless you really look closely. Some of them I actually proud of (the ones on my shoulders) :D
I'm quite lucky not to suffer from many stretch marks. Because I've only been putting weight on slowly over the past few years (yay for lean bulking :D) my skin has had time to adapt. I had never been "chunky" before - though always relatively broad. I do have a couple, but they really are rather faint and not a big issue.
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