*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I know, I always get MP or bulkpowders, just got a voucher from the gym I joined.

At least I get something usable although a bit carb heavy.
Have you tried them, are they tasty at least? :D
I know, I always get MP or bulkpowders, just got a voucher from the gym I joined.

At least I get something usable although a bit carb heavy.
Have you tried them, are they tasty at least? :D

no, but i suspect they wont taste too bad or amazing either. they will be okay ish. a bit on the dry side perhaps, maybe need a glass of milk with them.

i have tried their chocolate protein crispy bar things they had an offer on where i got like two boxes of 12 for £4, otherwise i would rather shoot myself than buy maximuscle. they were horrible.

their flapjacks should be a lot better, as flapjacks are usually pretty decent, i dont know how they could possibly mess them up.
It might be because I'm ill but I'm considering not bothering with the whole bulk thing anymore.

I'll still keep lifting and eating but I seem to be unable anything that most people recommend for ramping up those calories so I'll just have a shake or two a day and just eat as and when I can.

Did back on Friday and still feel stiff and sore :( Fine with legs and arms after 24 hours but when I do back get DOMs then they have a tenderness about them for a few days

The awkward moment when you see your housemates step dads bodyspace and progress pics :o

Is this real life
sent another few emails out, check your junk mail as before lads.

disappointed a tiny bit with "you are your own gym", the first 70 pages are all background information, good if your a newbie or inexperienced, then some of the exercises require equipment, i was under the assumption they would all be body weight exercises. he's using books, bag's broom's, towels, door's, etc.

still its a really good way to workout without proper equipment, say if your away on business / holiday or away from your local residence and want to workout. or if you cannot afford proper equipment.

ive only browsed through it, will need to have a proper look at it when i can.
leangains.com has a really good article on the front page at the moment.
Loooooong but worth a read....id link it but title contains a naughty word :) hehe.

Its the one under the facebook article.

Ive suffered with it myself...though Id like to think only to a small extent and Im working on ridding myself of it!

Stronglifts is helping a lot.
Should I be purchasing whole milk or semi skinned? Or is it really of little consequence?


depends on what your after. losing weight or bulking?

we normally buy both, so i mix it up all the time. we sometimes even get skimmed milk too.

ive never tried that gold top stuff, it looks awesome though. if your a hard gainer it might be worth looking into.

Most expensive shop. Ever.
I hurt my back last week due to being lazy with a warmup, all i did was 4 mins on the crosstrainer. Then i went straight onto the deadlifts and after the second set i was in pain.
Moral of the story do a warmup and atleast a good one. I see loads of people in my gym just walk straight up to the weights, i know you may never injure yourselves but its not worth the risk.

My back is a lot better now and i should be back in the gym by next week. Im a bit gutted as i never been out of the gym for 2 weeks apart from xmas time when it closes.
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