*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I don't go too narrow, but enough for it to focus on tries.

Close grip pressups with a plate on the back works well too. You have to have someone you trust to place the plates on your back though.
Close grip BP just means your hands are the same width as your shoulders, so that your arms are vertical/perpendicular to the floor when extended. You can go narrower if you want, but I don't think it's necessary and will put strain on the wrists.

Here's an illustration to complete my "How to suck an egg" lesson:

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Had a bit of a fan club at the gym today commenting on my squats. "so much power" "great form" "so deep" "inspiring" "pure power"... etc... LOLOLOLOL!

With that ego boost I pushed out 160kg for 3 reps (7th set) which has been a while since I managed that so happy with that!

Tried that stupid 60kg bench challenge thing, got to 21 and thought my arms were going to fall off so I stopped. :p
Good work FF, the comment 'so deep' would have put me off though lol :p
Another training for the bench press challenge I see, that makes 2 now... I must resist!
Can someone give my routine a quick once over please. Judging by other routines I've seen it looks pretty clear that for a start there's too many exercises in there. I'm assuming there's one or two that are needless and can go, are there any obvious ones that I should be adding? Any that can be replaced if not removed?

Bench Press 4x8
Bent over row 4x8
Shoulder press 4x8
Dips 4x8
Flyes 3x8
Arm curls 4x8
Triceps extensions 3x8
Shrugs 3x8

Squats 4x8
Calf raises 4x8
Leg curls 3x12
Sit ups
Leg press 3x8
Leg raises

Chin ups 4x8
Incline DB bench press 3x10
Rear delt row 3x10
Lateral raises 3x12
Triceps extensions 3x8
Preacher curls 3x10
DB shoulder press 3x10
reverse arm curls 3x8

Deadlifts 4x8
Stiff leg deadlifts 3x10
Leg press 3x12
Calf raises 4x8
Sit ups
Leg raises

Probably loads I'm doing wrong, if so then I'm all ears :).
Can someone give my routine a quick once over please. Judging by other routines I've seen it looks pretty clear that for a start there's too many exercises in there. I'm assuming there's one or two that are needless and can go, are there any obvious ones that I should be adding? Any that can be replaced if not removed?


Probably loads I'm doing wrong, if so then I'm all ears :).

Start off by keeping all "push" exercises together on one day, and all "pull" exercises on another. I.e. if it involves pushing weight away from you, such as bench etc., don't do them on the same day that involves pulling weight towards you, such as rows etc.

On a 4 day split, I'd go for something like:

Incline press
Tricep extensions (of some description, be it kick back, skull crushers, push-downs, french press, or a combination there of)

Pull-up (Do negatives superset with pull-downs if you are unable)
Rows (BORs/Seated/Yates)
Some form of extension like Good Mornings or Hyperextensions.

Calf raises.
Hamstring curls.
Quad extensions.

Shoulder press.
Lateral raises.
Front raises.
Reverse fly.
Face pulls.
Core work if you fancy it. Turkish get ups etc.

Summin like that. :) There's no real magic formula to it, just be sensible about how much you work any given part of the body, and listen to your body and muscles. Mix things up as much as you want to keep your enthusiasm if needs be. I still hold the mantra that there are only 4 mandatory exercises, and they are the big 3 complexes (bench, squat and deadlifts) and pullups. Everything else is supplementary, imho. Some very important, but still supplementary to those 4. :)
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Deadlifts 190x5x6 boom! Back (temporarily) to using correctly sized plates. Felt super quick

No shoulder work because I'm resting it up, did some rehab YTW which is now going to be a permanent feature.

Lastly, I tried for an 18" rack pull pb. I was a little bit too fired up though and stupidly jumped from 300kg up to 320kg, silly really! the 300kg was fine, but the 320kg didn't fully break from the blocks (fair amount of bar bend so some plates still touching). Never mind. Form was breaking badly too, need to do some back stability work. If I hadn't done my deads in the same session I bet I would have got it though.
Not me! Can't stand the stuff.

I bought a slow cooker last weekend and oh my, I can't get enough of beef stew. Huge bowl full with carrots, onion, spinach, peppers, parsnips etc. then a big bowl of brocolli and green beans on the side. Oh and 300-400g of beef, which just falls apart in your mouth.
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