Sounds like you are squatting loads, 5x5 3 times a week and also other stuff as well?
I didn't think it was going to be 'proper' exercise per se but I was practically sobbing into my handlebars after 15 minutes. Maybe squatting the day before didn't help but bloody hell that was a legitimately intense cardio session.
Anyone care to commend on fat burners? looking to get something from myprotein not sure which route to go down yet, getting pretty steady loss but its plateuing slightly, mixing my cardio up and still doing my am swims 6 days a week, looking to really cut back now and lose everything in the next two months.
My diet is spot on just looking to further supplement it.
Took it easy in the gym this morning after pushing myself a little too hard on Saturday's run. Ended up pulling my groin a little, and also pulling my Anterior Tibialis tendon a little. Both are much better this morning, but am going to have to keep an eye on them during my training.
So today I focused on chest and arms. But when doing several of the exercises (Shoulder press and rowing for cardio) my shoulder blade kept clicking. It's the bottom of the shoulder blade, closest to the spine which keeps clicking and 'crunching'. It wasn't painful, but uncomfortable and a bit disconcerting. Any idea what is going on there?
with regard to the hip issue any ideas what I should do? I know its nothing major at all.
I was able to go for a 30minute run yesterday with no issues, though I tried some bodyweight squats when I woke up and although im fine in the decline, when I go to explode up I get a sharp twinge in the inner right hip. Given im following stronglifts im pretty screwed since lack of hips working means squats and deads are out. Is it okay to go to the gym and just do a random upper body session? I was considering attempting leg press or something as an alternative for now but thought this may slow recovery?