*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Sounds like you are squatting loads, 5x5 3 times a week and also other stuff as well?

Not the standard? Just decided to go with stronglifts to get a solid base with the big 3 back. Only light (70-80kg) range atm so should be able to handle it no problem. Just beyond annoyed as I need my training for work to go well and I must be the most inconsistent trainer out there due to injury etc.

I'll see how things feel with a wide stance on tuesday. Hopefully I can increase the mobility work and eventually shoulder width squats will be possible.
Coming back from an injury and doing it along with the other stuff it's possibly too much. Though if your only going light I guess it won't make too much difference.
Have you tried a regular stance? How narrow are you talking when you say narrow?

Feet just wider than shoulder width and facing 30 degrees out is perfect for me.
Narrow for me I would consider normal 'shoulder-width' stance, I was also attempting to keep my toes pointing no more than 15-20degrees out. The strongest squatters i've watched in the gym are able to drop right down in a split second then explode back up using that sort of stance. I feel I must lack the hip mobility.

Normal stance is very wide, toes pointing out a solid 30degrees or more.

Always bothered me immensely my inability to do squats. I'm very fit but not in great shape and i've dropped a lot of muscle since I spent a year abroad. I thought it would come back pretty quick but I guess not due to change in style and inconsistencies
lol well I understand the difference dont worry. Narrow I would consider 'oly style', im probably going slightly wider than that, between oly style and shoulder width.

Tempted to go for a run due to lack of exercise recently but dont want to make this worse mmm.

whats the consensus, rest a week then try a guy? Avoid squats for a week but still do whatever I can? Stop being a fanny and squat anyways until it feels right?
I didn't think it was going to be 'proper' exercise per se but I was practically sobbing into my handlebars after 15 minutes. Maybe squatting the day before didn't help but bloody hell that was a legitimately intense cardio session.

Haha, I did that this week - fortunately it was a fairly light spin class, at least it seemed like it to me as we seemed to have fairly long rest periods between intervals.

Interesting vid on deadlifts - I saw a shocking technique in the gym the other day. The guy literally had an arched back when he was bringing the weight back down, it was like he wasn't using his hips at all! i was going to say something as it was a reasonable weight (100kg+) and surely far too much to put on there, but the guy was a fair bit bigger than I was and I thought I'd be best leaving him be..
Your stance is too narrow. This places more emphasis on the quads & hips and not on the glutes. It's not a natural position to squat from. Imagine a child squatting playing in the dirt. This stance is the stance to squat from.

The only other way to explain it is to drop down until your knees are in your arm pits. If you can't get them to your arm pits your stance is too narrow. Have the stance just wide enough to allow this to be possible. Drive your ass up out of the hole from here.
I'm recalling yesterday's post. That wasn't hurting, today is hurting. Trying to get down the stairs this morning was, interesting :o
Anyone care to commend on fat burners? looking to get something from myprotein not sure which route to go down yet, getting pretty steady loss but its plateuing slightly, mixing my cardio up and still doing my am swims 6 days a week, looking to really cut back now and lose everything in the next two months.

My diet is spot on just looking to further supplement it.
Anyone care to commend on fat burners? looking to get something from myprotein not sure which route to go down yet, getting pretty steady loss but its plateuing slightly, mixing my cardio up and still doing my am swims 6 days a week, looking to really cut back now and lose everything in the next two months.

My diet is spot on just looking to further supplement it.

If you're using Keto and not reloading this might be why.
Hmm...did a couple of lo weight reps in the garage yesterday, feels nice :)

I think, if im going to start getting back into things now, I just need to take things really light, but high reps or something
Took it easy in the gym this morning after pushing myself a little too hard on Saturday's run. Ended up pulling my groin a little, and also pulling my Anterior Tibialis tendon a little. Both are much better this morning, but am going to have to keep an eye on them during my training.

So today I focused on chest and arms. But when doing several of the exercises (Shoulder press and rowing for cardio) my shoulder blade kept clicking. It's the bottom of the shoulder blade, closest to the spine which keeps clicking and 'crunching'. It wasn't painful, but uncomfortable and a bit disconcerting. Any idea what is going on there?
Took it easy in the gym this morning after pushing myself a little too hard on Saturday's run. Ended up pulling my groin a little, and also pulling my Anterior Tibialis tendon a little. Both are much better this morning, but am going to have to keep an eye on them during my training.

So today I focused on chest and arms. But when doing several of the exercises (Shoulder press and rowing for cardio) my shoulder blade kept clicking. It's the bottom of the shoulder blade, closest to the spine which keeps clicking and 'crunching'. It wasn't painful, but uncomfortable and a bit disconcerting. Any idea what is going on there?

My shoulder was doing that today aswell when doing the dumbell raises. Quite off-putting.
with regard to the hip issue any ideas what I should do? I know its nothing major at all.

I was able to go for a 30minute run yesterday with no issues, though I tried some bodyweight squats when I woke up and although im fine in the decline, when I go to explode up I get a sharp twinge in the inner right hip. Given im following stronglifts im pretty screwed since lack of hips working means squats and deads are out. Is it okay to go to the gym and just do a random upper body session? I was considering attempting leg press or something as an alternative for now but thought this may slow recovery?
My biggest problem is if I use incorrect form on Bench Press - I end up hurting my delts. I stop straight away at the first sign of pain and give that whole area a break for at least a week.

I didn't end up going to the Gym on Saturday as originally planned because I was taking a Macbook apart and fitting a new Screen - then I found out that the Screen that I had been sent was faulty..back to square one with that!

Anyway, bit of a wild tangent there, but I'll probably do some Upper body work Tuesday - most likely my entire Upper body - I'm going to be away this Thursday; but Saturday I'll do my Lower Body.

Then I'll go back to my normal 3 day split and looking to make that a 4 day split when I join my next gym at the end of March/beginning of April.

I'll post my results for tomorrows Upper Body workout on Tuesday evening.
with regard to the hip issue any ideas what I should do? I know its nothing major at all.

I was able to go for a 30minute run yesterday with no issues, though I tried some bodyweight squats when I woke up and although im fine in the decline, when I go to explode up I get a sharp twinge in the inner right hip. Given im following stronglifts im pretty screwed since lack of hips working means squats and deads are out. Is it okay to go to the gym and just do a random upper body session? I was considering attempting leg press or something as an alternative for now but thought this may slow recovery?

Take the hips out of the equation while they heal. Strengthen the supporting muscles that you use during squats/deads instead and it will prevent further injury.

For leg work, stick to hamstring curls, leg extensions, calf raises and kickbacks. when your hip heals, get back to squats and deads and enjoy not losing any strength (and potentially gaining some) :p
OHP (which tbh is a mix between OHP + Push press for me lol), 1x 45 plates each side for 8 reps above my head, up from the original 3 a month ago :)

and 1x45 + 10 each side for 2x reps. Loving life! (all in lb's btw)
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