Yeah ANT 3 sets seems enough due to amount of pressing I do.
Laterals twice a week? Will be hard to fit in..
Chest twice a week, first session Bench 9 sets. 2 warm ups. so 7 working sets. Incline 3 sets towards end of workout.
Second session 9 sets bench again 2 warm ups. And 3 sets heavy DB bench.
I don't think it's too much I love pressing movements so it's biased towards that.
Tris is mostly CGBP, am happy with my tris not so happy with my biceps tho they don't seem to grow.
You have to be a form nazi with your bicep stuff I’ve found - easy to end up using anterior delts to help finish reps, momentum etc. Inserting appropriate Joe Bennett video about mechanics of bicep training in 3…2.. 1..: