Without getting really bogged down in the detail pick whichever you feel digests best and keeps you feeling fullest for longest.Felt quite hungry last night but managed to stick it through.
Are all carbs equal? I had around 365 carbs yesterday mostly rice. If I had the same amount in bread/wheat based stuff it would probably fill me more..
Felt quite hungry last night but managed to stick it through.
Are all carbs equal? I had around 365 carbs yesterday mostly rice. If I had the same amount in bread/wheat based stuff it would probably fill me more..
I usually just do face pulls with the cables (or I will once I finally get my cable pulley machine, for now just using resistance bands which is okay). Every time I've tried to do reverse flies like you describe I just find the movement feels extremely awkward and ineffective, any tips? If I could get it right maybe it's a more effective exercise than pulls as I find with those it's easy to let your back do too much of the work
Gym is going great at the moment; OHP is finally back on track (need to catch up with @Freefaller haha) and been throwing in some cleans and press after for upper back(traps always burn the day after), been doing RDL to get form back on track, but been switching it up with wide grip and paused for the extra back torture. Mobility still somewhat sucks for getting under the bar on squats, so is putting stress on elbows. So, just been using the hack squat machine, blowing up my quads via the prowler and split squats.
Are you not counting the indirect work for arms/delts? Any pressing movement involves the anterior deltoid to some degree so 3 sets for that and 2 for lateral deltoid (which doesn't get directly unless you're doing a lateral raise type motion) seems low.
Also deliberately doing more volume for chest to grow that specifically?