[[[The 2022 Gym Rats Thread]]] ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

Found an issue with switching out my smaller bare metal weight plates for full sized bumpers.

Doing OH press causes my to hit the ceiling of the shed before hitting full extension.

I assume doing it sat down is ok if I only have a flat bench so no back support?
Can anyone to please signpost to content or YT videos for starting out at the gym? Last time I went was years ago and solely did cardio, but I'm now doing a mix of cardio and weights. I have watched some stuff and read bits and bobs in this thread but there is so much to trawl through. Goal is to drop from 100kg to 90kg.

Edit - doh, sorry I thought I was in the gym thread.

For gym focus stuff I found a really handy route back in for me was Jeff Nippards free return to the gym program.

Here’s the vid and the program is linked in the description. He does a lot of good content.
start of 2022 i was 86kg and pure fat i am now 77kg 14% bf and my numbers are flying up and body looking better everyday. thanks for the thread it gives some good help and motivation.
Starting to get back into the swing of things in the gym. Most upper body things are fine, although it's a bit awkward trying to do bench without trying to use your legs at all.
Any suggestions with one legged exercises? Bearing in mind I can't put too much pressure on the one leg or bend it too much. Gym does have a leg press which splits in the middle to do single legs which has come in quite handy.
Starting to get back into the swing of things in the gym. Most upper body things are fine, although it's a bit awkward trying to do bench without trying to use your legs at all.
Any suggestions with one legged exercises? Bearing in mind I can't put too much pressure on the one leg or bend it too much. Gym does have a leg press which splits in the middle to do single legs which has come in quite handy.
i do leg curls with a band. put the band somewhere high line your knees up put one ankle in the band and pull your heel into your arse do that controlled and your hams feel it nicely. controlled both ways around 4 seconds tempo. its good on ham focussed leg days. not so much on glute focussed.
Powerlifting totals at an all time personal record. Deadlift getting back on track, squat all time best and progressing well, bench has gone a few months backward, but overall doing well. Due for a weigh in today/tomorrow. Whereever it sits I’m stronger than ever, so I’ll take it.
Powerlifting totals at an all time personal record. Deadlift getting back on track, squat all time best and progressing well, bench has gone a few months backward, but overall doing well. Due for a weigh in today/tomorrow. Whereever it sits I’m stronger than ever, so I’ll take it.
Nice to hear. Do you compete? Or is this just for your own personal progress? I'm not competing and owing to age and life being busy I've slowly ramped down super heavy stuff and sticking to 80% which is enough for me to feel a sense of achievement.

If you have the motivation for it I'd consider trying a powerlifting comp as it's clear you're doing well and that buzz from competing might be really fun for you (it is!).
Nice to hear. Do you compete? Or is this just for your own personal progress? I'm not competing and owing to age and life being busy I've slowly ramped down super heavy stuff and sticking to 80% which is enough for me to feel a sense of achievement.

If you have the motivation for it I'd consider trying a powerlifting comp as it's clear you're doing well and that buzz from competing might be really fun for you (it is!).

Just for my own progress. I can lift more than my friends who compete and do well, so I use them as my benchmark.

I’m desperately trying to get my weight back up currently, although at least I seem to have nearly as much muscle as when I was 3kg heavier in December. Eating a lot cleaner at the moment.
Just for my own progress. I can lift more than my friends who compete and do well, so I use them as my benchmark.

I’m desperately trying to get my weight back up currently, although at least I seem to have nearly as much muscle as when I was 3kg heavier in December. Eating a lot cleaner at the moment.
Don't you want to be slimmer but more powerful? Or do you want to be a bit bulkier? Out of interest do you find being bulkier is beneficial for your lifting? I found it frustrating that when I was hovering around 100kg I wasn't any stronger (comparatively in terms of ratio to bodyweight) other than looking like I lifted, it was hard work eating so much without getting fat!

If you're eating super clean you're going to have to eat a lot more to get that calorie intake. I guess it depends if you want to be stacked and powerful or look athletic - you can blend both but I've not found that to be particularly easy!

I reckon you should try and compete! :)
Don't you want to be slimmer but more powerful? Or do you want to be a bit bulkier? Out of interest do you find being bulkier is beneficial for your lifting? I found it frustrating that when I was hovering around 100kg I wasn't any stronger (comparatively in terms of ratio to bodyweight) other than looking like I lifted, it was hard work eating so much without getting fat!

If you're eating super clean you're going to have to eat a lot more to get that calorie intake. I guess it depends if you want to be stacked and powerful or look athletic - you can blend both but I've not found that to be particularly easy!

I reckon you should try and compete! :)

I find when I’m rapidly gaining in weight, due to the calorie excess, that my strength gains go through the roof (probably not surprising!). I was having such a phase last December until I got unwell (I think naturally I tend to eat for bulking in the winter), although it was probably the most fat I’ve gotten too. My bench is nowhere near December levels.

I’m happy to be a bit bulkier, I don’t want a huge belly, but equally I’m not fussed about a six pack either. Where I’m at right now is probably my happy balance (certainly no fat that you can grab :p).

Lots of people have said the same about competing, but I’ve resisted so far :p - a factor of age/time/obsession levels etc.

I was tempted to rejoin my old gym for the summer months, but at £85 - month I think I’ll stick to my own. It certainly pays for itself these days.
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Yeah I agree. Calories with high training does lead to improvements that's not in question. I think your attitude is similar to mine. Not bothered about low BF but not wanting a belly either. I'm lean enough to have visible veins on my quads and lower belly but not that lean at the same time (I carry fat in different places).

I think being able to casually squat 150kg+ and deadlift over 180kg+ is pretty epic and very much ahead of most.
Yeah I agree. Calories with high training does lead to improvements that's not in question. I think your attitude is similar to mine. Not bothered about low BF but not wanting a belly either. I'm lean enough to have visible veins on my quads and lower belly but not that lean at the same time (I carry fat in different places).

I think being able to casually squat 150kg+ and deadlift over 180kg+ is pretty epic and very much ahead of most.

Definitely ahead of most. It’s easy to lose perspective and think I’m having a ‘bad phase’ and that progress is slow, but then not many can squat/deadlift over 200+ and I forget I’m comparing myself to my powerlifting friends who do compete :p. In all honesty I’ve lost complete perspective of my own body size and strength vs others. It’s one of the reasons I started tracking my weight (and taking the occasional progress picture). As I’ve mentioned here before, my favourite benchmark are clothing sizes :)

For me another benefit of not competing is that I’m relatively consistent, but sensible with my progress where as many of my friends go through huge peaks and troughs and get injured surprisingly frequently. I try to focus more on the long game.

As long as I keep progressing, whether it be one rep, set or 0.25kg on any lift I’m generally happy.
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Completely agree. I don't think the peaks and troughs are all that healthy both physiologically or psychologically. They're a means to an end.

Only issue I found with being closer to 100kg than 90kg is that it amplifies my sleep apnoea a little. But I prefer being slightly bulkier than skinny. However that's also a bit of a body dismorphia I suffer with as well.
About 6 months ago I injured my right pec, the physio at my local doctor surgery saw it and said it was a minor strain as I could still bench heavy.

I took a few weeks of benching and got back into it, regained strength and things were ok but there was a little teeny bit of pain at times.

Fast forward to Ramadan last month, been training fasted everything been ok again. Last week the same area on the pec is acting up again, and there's small red spots over the area as it was when it was initially injured. Maybe lack of food and rest caused it to mess up?

Not sure whether to take a few weeks off or go back doctors.

Apart from that am happy with my progress, squats going strong. Will try a 1 rep max next week on all 3 lifts (not sure about bench).
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