[[[The 2022 Gym Rats Thread]]] ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

This week has been testing week after my first more strength focused training block since I started back training. Ive stayed consistent hit every session and heres the results.

Squat - 165kg

Bench - 105kg

Deadlift - 170kg

Squat and Deadlift match my lifetime PB's that i last hit at the end of 2013, any at around 4-5kg more bodyweight. I am really happy with these lifts.
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I stood after the walkout for far to long on that squat it was a little messy for sure. Set the tone for the week though.
Love this time of year, full fat milk smoothies full of oats and nuts, cooked breakfasts, chicken thighs, multiple eggs a day. Just seem to be bulking muscle mass at the moment. Only about 92kg bw, despite my best effort to hit 95kg.

4kg off my 165kg bench pb and closing in quickly, all time best squat at 230kg and although I’ve eased off deads for 3 months, pulled a straightforward 220kg yesterday. Not bad for a year that was plagued by illness initially - Covid and being sick almost every morning for 3 months.
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My bench finally on the way up with a decent rate. Hoping to hit my goal of 100 by start of next year ish.
Legs is still a long road back for me. Just sticking to 100kg deads for a few reps and 50kg squat till knee is comfortable again. I feel that's made good progress past month but have to resist the temptation to start pushing it too much too quickly.
Alright then, I've had a pretty bad shoulder issue for most of this year which has plagued me across Bench, Shoulder Press, even Squats it stopped me :( I've had a few physio sessions and it seems to be sorted :D
Now, around the same time (not linked) I picked up American Football and now that I'm healthy I need to do some focused training for AF. I have in-depth daily spreadsheets for what exercises and weights I'll be doing each day but I'm looking to create a 'Big-Picture' spreadsheet. Here's what I've got so far; the 'Overarching/Daily program/(How I am) Feeling) are all just examples. The feeling is colour scaled from 1-10 so I can notice any patterns if I feel bad on a regular occasion or something.

What else would you add to it, if anything? Diet would be amount of calories. Will need to find a different app to track calories now that My Fitness Pal now charges, aaaaaand I think I need to go on a 'bulk' phase to let me build up some muscle mass, but I've never really done one so I'll need to do more research before that.

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Great to see the amount of effort going in to planning. Even though MFP charges i would consider a year for what is it £65? if you will use it the benefit and convenience far out weigh the cost. For my journey over the last year, i would go so far as to say that tracking has been right up there as the number 1 number 2 tool to lose and gain weight.

If you are looking to bulk then you really need to work out your Base metabolic rate (BMR) and apply an activity modifier to give you your Total Daily Maintenance calories, then you can apply a bulk modifier, usual rule of thumb is maintenance +500 cals.

Bulking is a slow process though so be patient and stick with it, you should aim for 1-2% bodyweight gain per month (0.5% bw per week max), and a portion of gain will be fat, of course, so plan in mini cuts every now and then as well, or at the very least, maintenance phases.
I moved from MFP to "Lose it" after MFP ditched the barcode scanner for free users. Lose it has been just as good for me although I haven't tracked very strictly for a while.
Couple of new PBs!

160kg (nearly threw the bar off of my back, haha):


Deadlift on Thursday.

During lockdown I went on a cut (because there was nothing better to do) and got down to 62.5kg. Now I'm up to 73.5kg which is about the heaviest I've ever been. I took a comparison picture, depressingly I basically look about the same just with a little more body fat, haha. Clothes fit me better though.
Nice lifts fella, that squat was nowhere near bail worthy, you nailed it.

Its really interesting to see how close our numbers are, lifts and bodyweight! i also dropped down in my cut to around 64kg (started at 77kg although peaked in lockdown at 78kg!) now back up to 71.5kg i feel a mini cut coming on after this current training cycle.

Looking forward to see you smash the deadlift :)
Cheers buddy! Funny we've been/are on a very similar path.

I always feel like I want to cut but while my numbers are getting bigger and I'm not getting too fat I think I'll hold the course (for now). :)
Feels good being much more consistent with my calorie intake these days, I wish I'd learnt this sooner in life.

I'm currently on about 2225 with the occasional weekend treat where for one meal I might not count them as carefully. I've only done that three times since the spring, so it's not bad going at all.

Furthermore, I'm aiming to lose a pound a week. A couple of years ago, I went on a more aggressive weight loss journey, but it was unrealistic for me to maintain. I was so god-damn hungry all the time.
My first training block this winter and the best planned progress I've ever made. No niggles/no aches/no pain and having been abroad last week for week in middle of a block with a tough schedule/baby, it's actually worked.

This one's been a lifetime natty goal and I've always fallen short every year due to something disruptive.

Week 6.


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