"Running, I just can't. For the last four months, I've been doing cardio, something I have shied away from for years. I'd rather just drop calories. Forty minutes, five times each morning on an empty stomach, uphill treadmill walking on the steepest climb. So boring, but I try to zone out with some YouTube or work emails on an empty stomach. Probably the fittest I have ever been, as opposed to looking fit.
I'm turning 37 this year, and it's getting harder to stay extremely lean. I'm sitting at 75 kg at the moment, and I would have no idea of my numbers. I have probably not benched for over two years. My dumbbell press is 40's for 10 reps few months ago, and deadlift is 160 for 3 reps. I tend to stay clear of heavy weights as the chance of injury increases exponentially for me. I tend to focus 95% on Time Under Tension.
What made you adopt running and KB' over say circuits or cross fit?