In the very study you have linked it says 5g is enough...and 5g is the advised amount to take. You dont expideite anything by going over 5g you dont reduce the saturation from 20 days to 5 days for example, or from 5 days to 2-3. Further more the study you linked is sponsored by a creatine producer.
Also as you mention taking extra wont cause any issues, it also wont provide any benefit!
5g is certainly enough over a sustained period of time, I am not disputing that. As I mentioned, the strategy for supplementation is entirely dependant on the goals of the individual. There are studies which show muscle total creatine concentration increased by approximately 20% after 6 days of creatine supplementation at a rate of 20 g/day. This elevated concentration was maintained when supplementation was continued at a rate of 2 g/day for a further 30 days. A similar, but more gradual, 20% increase in muscle total creatine concentration was observed over a period of 28 days when supplementation was undertaken at a rate of 3 g/day. (Muscle creatine loading in men - E Hultman, K Soderlund, JA Timmons, G Cederblad, PL Greenhaff)
If there is no harm to a person's health by taking 20-25g of creatine for 6-7 days and it means you can slightly expedite the concentration in the muscles, I would say that is still a benefit and worth taking the extra few scoops for the first week. Each to their own, though; in the long term, there is clearly difference, but personally, any small benefit or shortcut to better performance that is safe is absolutely worth it to me.
CaptainRAVE it sounds like you're on a very positive trajectory. Keep it up!
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