You talk about people putting their heads in the sand but fella you have a consistent track record of doing that and are doing the same here. As per what @tom_e said no one is saying that from a bodybuilding perspective you are wrong, we are saying that for the average gym goer function strength is actually more important and from that perspective overall functional strength development will benefit a lot more from squatting over leg press.The words of someone that has a VAST amount of experience in the BB world:
While many take it as an article of faith that all trainees must squat, the reality is far different. Only a handful of athletes truly must squat and that’s because the movement is part of their competition. But for everyone else, squats are an optional movement. And factually, some simply are not built to squat well. And if their goal is simply getting bigger legs, in many cases it may be better for them to avoid squatting and choose a movement such as the leg press instead.
A properly done leg press exposes the legs to a similar range of motion as your typical parallel squat. Certainly squats “feel” harder but does this mean it’s automatically a superior movement for growing the legs? At least some of that feel is the technical involvement, balance, and the increased use of stabilizer muscles. But this has nothing to do with the legs per se.
Because when the goal is building big legs, there are many ways that the leg press might actually be a superior movement. So at the risk of offending most of the training world, let’s look at the issue.
At the end of the day people can do what ever they like and what ever suits them. But it is without a doubt that the vast majority would be better off served by the leg press than the squat.
To say otherwise is to put your head in the sand.
Any way it was not my aim to start an argument. It's always been a very inflammatory subject the leg press vs the squat. It's just came about because last week I saw someone in the gym who had been squatting for a while, making no progress and he failed he's squat. I just felt sorry for him and thought he would be the type of person that should just move to the leg press rather than keep banging he's head against the wall.
Then people in previous posts saying they twinged their back during squats and DL and I was like well... I'm not surprised.