The 5-year plan to 50k posts - part douche

It's funny isn't it, how things can pan out unexpectedly. If someone had told me a few years ago that I'd have more than doubled my salary in 18 months I would have laughed it off, but with some hard work and the right attitude, here I am in exactly that position.
But I bet you had to be a bit flexible and take a slight risk in some way in that... and to get that job you put yourself out there, risked failure etc etc. all things people struggle with, yet once you've done it you realise it's not that bad anyway.
But I bet you had to be a bit flexible and take a slight risk in some way in that... and to get that job you put yourself out there, risked failure etc etc. all things people struggle with, yet once you've done it you realise it's not that bad anyway.
Oh yeah totally.
Jump from a company where I had 12 years service? Check.
Jump to a completely different industry? Check.
Jump from a 600,000 employee global company to a 18 strong company that runs like a start up? Check.
Give up global travel? Check.

When I had my interview I felt like I was completely winging it, and after getting the job I felt I had conned these lovely people into giving me a job and suffered with major imposter syndrome for the first six months.

At the time it felt like a massive gamble, and to be honest I was bricking it a bit - I'd given up relative stability and security for something that was totally new and unknown.

Now, 2 years down the line I'm part of a small group deciding on the direction of the whole company, one down from the MD.

And if it does go belly up? I'm an employable bloke with all sorts of valuable experience as well as technical qualifications.... I'm sure something will work out if anything goes wrong.
The comfort of living with parents must definitely hold a man back. They won't be around forever though.

That's the thing, plenty of risk there. I mean if someone is an only child then perhaps they inherit their parent's home mortgage-free and they don't need to worry, can carry on coasting. If it needs to be split with siblings or sold in order to pay for care home costs etc.. in future then that's a bit of a rug pull moment. Something that perhaps ought to be planned for well before it occurs!
I read the opening posts and I'm also wondering whether the goal has gone from 50k as some kind of salary to 50k posts.

I think setting realistic objectives is a great foundation to build upon whichever goal your aspiring to achieve.
I'm sure that when this thread started it said £50k, is that now 50k posts? That's quite a downstep in ambition lol :D

This is a new thread though, it's a tongue-in-cheek reference to the dumpster fire the old thread turned into when he decided to buy a cat and carry on living at his parent's house.
This is a new thread though, it's a tongue-in-cheek reference to the dumpster fire the old thread turned into when he decided to buy a cat and carry on living at his parent's house.
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