The 7 year Itch!!!!

Well here are the pics, just been playing Crysis so yes yes it can. :) very happy

Sorry about the crap lighting.




Thanks everyone. Hope you enjoy.
Heat rises, so it will go straight out the top. Nice clean build, looks good :)

Surely convection is mostly irrelevant in modern computers. A single 120mm fan can shift anywhere from 0.5 to 1.5 cubic feet of air per second depending on the model, and most people have 2-4 case fans. That adds up to way more air movement than convection will manage, as far as I can see.
True, but why not give it a helping hand :) most cases try to move the air front to back while convection is still playing a part in trying to pull it straight up... this one the fans are working with the laws of physics and sending it on it's merry way straight up and out - fast!

Plus there's no 'dead spots' like under expansion cards or against the top of the case etc... it's just straight through airflow :)
There is also less strain on the GFX card as the weight hangs naturally from the PCI bracket.

Im currently running my I5 2500k at 4.4Ghz and the temps are around 58-61c under 100% load.

So the case cooling works.

Not to mention my overclocked 570 not breaking 55 under load last time I checked, Going to overclock that next, Hoping to get 1Ghz Core clock :).

The main advantage of having the 90 degree motherboard tray is that it allows more air to get to the graphics card but it also prevents the heat from the graphics card rising through the CPU heatsink. It really works wonders!
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