The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

MoNkEyMiKeY said:
Yes thats on my current setup. I was running in 1280x1024 with 2xaa and 8xaf. Ive now got it at 4xaa and 16xaf and is still running ok but looking even better. The game looks so nice I actually am making the effort to play it unlike number 2 which I bought and have never flown the ship in even :D

Thanks mate, so my specs (in my sig) will run this game at nice resolution and settings etc? :p cant wait to get it, tomorrow, as play said it will be there! :D

EDIT: Do you get to land on planets as well as space docks? Cheers.

Armstrong-Whitworth Argosy :D
-Tauren- said:
Thanks mate, so my specs (in my sig) will run this game at nice resolution and settings etc? :p cant wait to get it, tomorrow, as play said it will be there!

EDIT: Do you get to land on planets as well as space docks? Cheers.

I don't think you can land on planets. I was just having another play. And I think your machine will run it with no problems at all :D

Heres a few more.

Woah, thats cool pics, i cant wait to play it :D and lets hope my specs have no probs :p here's a pic of me playing DoW. Rubbish pic quality. Coz of paint.

Edit, im the White Scars. :)
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