The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)



may i just make a tiny suggestion for this thread? I know many of the game shots being posted may seem obvious, but perhaps everyone could just type the name of the game above their shots. It'd save us asking every 5 mins ;)
FrontSideBus said:
Have you got the updated flight dynamics for that Shack? As the defaults are rather laughable tbh...

No, just package from I don't know where lol. In fact, it pretty *****, it's using default Cessna at the moment which is awful. I've heard there is a Lancaster pack out there with Merlin sounds which can obviously be used. It's odd as well in that you have to have at least half power to start the engines else they cut out again

No swearing. Read the FAQs
Eve Online.

Rifter Speed setup: perfect for those high-risk long journeys: fast, and who cares if it gets ganked? Fully sustainable 3+ km/s :D


Random Freighter...
MoNkEyMiKeY said:
Ahh good old eve. I gave that game 2 years of my life and money. If only it looked as good as X3 :D

Also it was my first ever MMO :D

If it looked as good as X3, then imagine the lag in places like Jita or in huge fleet battles.... :D
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