The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

look what ive just gotten hold of :D:D
only had a few mins on it but im loving it so far.
big props to adam at valve support for making it work for me too.
crappy screenie but it shows ive got it
u dont miss much do u 5bjoshua :)

i had DoD and got a refund bcoz it was so bad

cod fps command is /cg_drawfps 1

p.s kinky MoNkEyMiKeY :)
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heh in all 3 gta games there some wier/quirky and down right disturbing buildings. just google gta and buildings ;)

I haven't played dods since release because my 6600gt/6800nu couldnt handle full hdr and fsaa at the same time but with the 6800gt it's more than possible, today I played some random server with people on and gave a good thrashing of the rusty kind


I forgot how fun it is running up to camping riflemen and spading them in the face then they franticly dodge about trying to equip their pistol but oh wait! it's too late! WHACK!
Imageshack gives you the option to resize your screenshots or to use a thumbnail on the forum page. You can also get a free image editor like the GIMP to do it for you

If you're using a registered version of FRAPS to record your screenshots you can select what size you want the screenshots saved as
NeoReloaded said:
How do i resize my screenies to put on here guys? A nice clear expanation would be cool!

Thanks :)

Go here..

Tick the 'resize image?' box and from the drop down menu next to it select 800x600. Then click the 'Choose' button, locate your file and then click the 'host it' button just down the page a little bit.

Once it has uploaded, it'll give you a page with a thumbnail preview of your upload..under that will be a number of links to use. For posting on here i would recommend the last one 'Direct link to image'. :)
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