The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

ajgoodfellow said:
That's because you have a download ticket already - scroll down to the bottom of the page and type the code shown in to the combo box

That is at the bottem of the page, there is no code or code box.
Spunj99 said:
Guns and big cars you say?

Guess who's in the Auto Assault beta weekend? :cool:


Jammy git :p
Zephyrus said:
Bah been registered for the auto assault beta for months through plaync.. no go yet though :(

So was I. And i got nothing back off that. Luckily a friend of mine recieved an invite for this Penny Arcade beta weekend that he didn't want, so i downloaded the 3gb client overnight and fired it up this morning. :)
andy8271 said:
are you on ntl ? r

apidshare used to work for me untill i changed to ntl.

Yeah Im with NTL, must be the way they have there networking set up then, its not saying the my IP in the messagee so I must be sharing with loads of other peeps. Damn NTL, I new it would come down to them gits, I hate them.
I used to be with NTL a few years back and they were good (I've worked for them too actually, really not the bad guys compared to some in the industry)
Whenever I wanted to change my IP address I would swap the cable from one network card to another, it is dynamic. Hopefully its still the same now..

Maybe its down to some sort of http proxy or cache server.
Nieldo said:
whenever I try and use it it doesnt work like that.

When I click that link above I then press the "Free" button and get this on the next screen.

When I have never ever been able to download anything from rapid share. So i dont see how I could have downloaded 137275 KB.

i get that as well:/
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