The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)


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The new "Pocket D" club on City of Heroes/villains where Heroes and Villains can finally put their differences aside to get down and boogy! :cool:

(If they want)
Stellios said:
My mates running CSS on his, so i dont see why not :)
:S, i tried CSS, even at low settings its crap :(. but it could be something else

like my athlon 2600 or my 2100 512MB ram :D. need $$$$$
OzZie said:
AA and AF please!!! :D

LOL!!! :D

It actually looks a damn sight better than that on my monitor ( running a 6800 Leadtek ), I think I'm borking the quality of the images when I resize them in PSP 8.

However, that said, I've only just reformatted and reinstalled my system, so I've not tweaked everything up, graphic wise yet.
leaskovski said:
Wait until its released. March is the month we are waiting for.

Where did you get the screen shots from then if i cant down oad the game. Do i need any thing else is it a mod or is it a stand alone game
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