The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

Sorry for posts of FS2004, but we have just had a member of ours starting to develop dynamic scenery for us. We had one tonight with a control tower on fire



and here's a hanger he built for us


Just the one picture for now. Becuase I haven't tried it with HDR I couldn't comment on the difference between that and bloom. I found you can get a horse easily at the priory (your first port of call after the character creation stuff). Sorry for the naff image quality but I have to use fraps to take it then use paint to convert it to .jpg (Im not paying $37 to use fraps fully). Unless some one can suggest a free and very good screenshot program that works in the same way but with any or just .jpg files?

Jump horsey jump :)
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What exactly is the style of gameplay in oblivion? I'm sure ive never played RPG's but is it similar to hitman, max payne etc? Is it all magical etc?
OzZie said:
What exactly is the style of gameplay in oblivion? I'm sure ive never played RPG's but is it similar to hitman, max payne etc? Is it all magical etc?

yeh, im put off by sword/magic potion collecting type things. I played diablo for a while and thats the only type of treasure chest sort of game ive played.
Its all on that link mate. Basically its an adapter to connect the 360 hard drive to a standard PC SATA, allowing you to extract your savegame from the hard drive (or upload one id you're inclined) to your PC and then extract the images from the savegame. Someone posted another device that does the same thing from a memory card:
i very much doubt it will come to the pc, as it would have be jigged about to work with older hardware and stuff. i wouldnt get your hopes up mate, but i wish that someone would bring a game like that to the pc. im not keen on the serious driving games, i prefer arcadey ones, and not ones that need you to be 'bling bling' either.
I've joined the Dark Brotherhood now, and got given some nice looking rogue/assassin style armor as a welcoming present :D


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