The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

geeza said:
^ yes, i think we have estblished it looks nice, but do you do anything apart from walk around? also is there a demo for it?

Nope, there is no demo.

There's loads of things to do in this game, a huge amount of quests.

It's also entirely free roaming, you can go anywhere you want at any time, and pretty much do anything you please.
MiGSY said:
Nope, there is no demo.

There's loads of things to do in this game, a huge amount of quests.

It's also entirely free roaming, you can go anywhere you want at any time, and pretty much do anything you please.

isnt the WOW factor over once youve seen a few waterfalls, sunrises, cliff drops and flowers? ive never really played rpg games as im more into fps and other action but im quite tempted by the free roaming(ness) of it.
geeza said:
isnt the WOW factor over once youve seen a few waterfalls, sunrises, cliff drops and flowers? ive never really played rpg games as im more into fps and other action but im quite tempted by the free roaming(ness) of it.

Well, I wouldn't get the game just for the pretty view, the combat is also very good, with a good variety of melee/ranged/magic attacks, so it doesn't look to be getting boring anytime soon. Also, you can go anywhere in the game, and there's a pretty high chance you'll find a few quests to do.
geeza said:
they look quite nice. on that game can you just get on a horse and ride accross the land exploring over cliffs and valleys etc? the fantasy and collecting side of the game doesnt appeal to me at all but the free roaming around (or at least it looks like that) does.

eg can you go up those hills in the distance

not sure tbh mate, think they might just be for decoration, not found anywhere i can't go yet. i rode out of one of cities and just kept going for ages, you can find interesting ruins, dungeons, camps and the like along the way. i'm only lvl3, not following the main quest at the moment, picked up a few quests while exploring cities and joining the guilds.

great fun, wish i could have AA and HDR on though.

is there a fix for the distant grass in the daytime looking a tad on the blurry side?



If anyone is in doubt about Oblivion check out the 20 min gameplay video here (120MB avi). It's really worth watching - it's got a running commentary from one of the game designers
ajgoodfellow said:
If anyone is in doubt about Oblivion check out the 20 min gameplay video here (120MB avi). It's really worth watching - it's got a running commentary from one of the game designers


Thanks for that link, looks like I'm sold on this game now, it looks fantastic.

Ordering it up as we speak. :cool:
geeza said:
eg can you go up those hills in the distance

quoting you again mate :)

don't know about those particular ones i posted earlier, but i went up this one to a place called cloud top to retrive a book.

Our ride for today, an Iberia Airbus A321, called "Benidorm", parked at Barcelona El Pas Airport.


Close up, en route to Tunisia, shortly after take-off. I love the weathered textures!


Menorca in the foreground, Mallorca in the background.


Starting our descent, over the coast of Africa.

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