The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

Killerkebab said:
...of gender?


im quite secure in my sexuality, playing as a fem doesn't make me feel threatened, and anyway wouldn't it be weirder if i didn't like looking at a pretty girl character, hehe.
-Tauren- said:
I decided to make a new char on oblivion and came up with this :)


Flippin' 'eck :eek:

Hehe nice pic

Btw 'wooden wonder' was the nickname for the mosquito for those who might not have got my joke and thought me rather odd lol
Do you play this Oblivion game online or offline?

And as for playing games as a girl, I play Eve as a very sexah looking female :p, yet im very sure of my sexuality.
some ET: Quake Wars ( via ign) which is being made by my good chums over at SplashDammage. seriously cant wait for it to come out
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