Read the thread titleYaka said:<snippage>
some ET: Quake Wars ( via ign) which is being made by my good chums over at SplashDammage. seriously cant wait for it to come out
Read the thread titleYaka said:<snippage>
some ET: Quake Wars ( via ign) which is being made by my good chums over at SplashDammage. seriously cant wait for it to come out
Roduga said:They would be just as pretty if they were a little smaller.
And anyway, these are prettier:
SiD the Turtle said:I love playing Tomb Raider in Next Gen, but she does look like she's a bit plasticy/wearing too much make up.
Sweetloaf said:Amost as if she were some kind of doll, puppet or....3d model
SiD the Turtle said:
Sweetloaf said:Amost as if she were some kind of doll, puppet or....3d model with fantastic norks
kdd said:Why do you play guild wars as a girl???
OzZie said:
Battle of the carebearsKraniX said:dym trying out his new EW stuff on me