The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

MoNkEyMiKeY said:
No it looks rubbish. In real photography its called poor lighting. And you're not doing the beautiful cars justice hiding them under a veil of darkness :p
But darker shots have better IQ..

EDIT: wtf am I on today. Better *
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Gothic 3 the world is just beautiful.


The game hasn't even got all the settings on maxed either.
The game does have it's bugs but it isn't enough to ruin the game. There's so much depth. At night the atmosphere changes you hear all the night animal in the back ground. Wolves come out to hunt in packs and so on. The music is amazing in this game to it's all created with a real orchestra.

The game will suck you in more than oblivion as it's a more interesting game. The only bugs I see is the game having short pauses now and then which I assume is due to the world being so big the game needs to read from the harddrive a lot and some of the combat which can be really easy at times and then the next min you'll get pwned by a weak monster because he hits you so fast you can get you weapon ready allowing you to defend yourself. This won't be an issue if you have eyes like an eagle and spot them before the see you. :D

Anyway all that matters is it's more fun than Oblivion and with that the bugs aren't an issue with me as I can't stop playing the game I get so much pleasure from it.

Here's another screen shot I took. This screen shot is bland compared to some views you'll see in the game.



Oh yeah before I get my frame rate is very high in this game which s strange as I thought it would murder my PC. I do get a sudden drop when I enter an area with flames about though like touches and so on. It still is abound 20 fps even then.
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Thought I'd chuck up some RE4 for PC shots! As I love the game so much I'm still playing it all the way thru, but the lack of lighting effects in areas is so bad... try to capture it here. Could only find crappy res GC screenies... but you can see the lighting effects missing:





And just a random PC one, cos this area doesn't look too bad

Man, I'd heard that the PC version was basically a straight port of the PS2 version and was complete and utter rubbish, but those shots are dire. It looks even worse than I'd imagined.
Yep the gameplay is still there, i LOVE resi 4, but it looks very poor!

And you know its a straight port to, cos theres no setting for the PC. Obviously as most people know theres no mouse support, but you can't even change the sensitivity of the pad, control the audio... nothing!

Still Resi 4 though, so its not all bad :)
is there a demo for test drive unlimited? I want to see what its like, looks nice but i bet its boring just driving around. Like I got bored of oblivion after 2 hours of looking at grass n stuff
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