The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

Company of heroes




youve def bought me out on CoH, going into town at 9.30am to get a suit fitted, might stop off at game and purchase it along side tomb raider :D

thanks :D

*whispers* Watch out for Jerry...

The bloody catchphrases always get in my mind. :(

My favourite is (what must be) a really camp soldier shouting: "We're getting hit by Panzers!"
buwaha my plan to get you all to buy coh worked! Nah its a very nice looking game and probably worth getting seeing as theres not much about to play atm. For some reason though i dont feel the urge to continue, probably because it requires me to reboot into vista to play it ><
I'm playing COH for the second time atm and loving it. :cool: I'm up to the Hill 192 level and was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to move the howitzer once it's deployed? :confused:
it stutters a bit in cut scenes, zooming in while playing isnt totally smooth but from max distance birdseye it is completely smooth. Id guess around 20-30fps but ill check with fraps as soon as i getting it working in vista
titaniumx3 said:
Real? I could probably paint a picture more real. Lol, I wonder why all these "graphics vs reality" and "dx10 vs dx9" comparisons are so dodgy. :rolleyes:

Its not meant to look EXACTLY like it. The "Real" part of the image is a screencapture of a 1992 film called Stalingrad. I thought it a rather good likeness :)
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