The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

my first victim with a torpedo in silent hunter 3, only on the training at the mo - still learning. i'm using the automatic easy stuff currently, the manual torp. attack is gonna be hard.



some more RTMI screenies :) its a very good game... lots of puzzle solving to do, and a few bits with guns (not much though)

you get to mix/make chemicals to make chemical reactions, find/cook/eat food and lots of other survival orientated stuff... there also seems to be a set storyline, and a nice background behind your character too... very good game :)



being depth charged is pretty scary, all you can do is rig for silent running, try and manoeuvre as best u can at only 1or 2 kts and prepare the damage control team.... :D


Mundu said:
Actually compared to mine the fine details are improved. Most noticably llines on the forhead and around the eyes.

Now looking at your screeny I have to say its a huge inprovement. Just look at those lips :D It just shows how good a engine source is. When PC's become more powerful the source engine will still be able to be made to look up to date.

You should try them on your machine. The readme file that comes with them says it looks much better at higher resolutions.
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MoNkEyMiKeY said:
Now looking at your screeny I have to say its a huge inprovement. Just look at those lips :D It just shows how good a engine source is. When PC's become more powerful the source engine will still be able to be made to look up to date.

agreed... on their own they didn't look too great, but in comparison its a very nice improvement
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