The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

a few different screenies... a game called Orbiter got it free with PC Gamer i think :confused:


FrontSideBus said:
Heh nice to see cougho kickin backsides :D I could tank his apoc in my Ferox for a considerable time, but I never had the damage output to break his either :)

Lol yeah, you ran out of missiles, but thats an old Sisi backup - I want a rematch with my new skills :p
FrontSideBus said:
Attack of the macrominers!!! :D

Suits me when i'm not at the pc, lock on to a big roid, leave it ticking. Come back to a nice full hold. Muffin, trade what and where though? I'm still a n00b, coming up to the end of my free trial though :( Might actually have to subscribe! :o :eek:
Mulder said:
Nikebee what game is that matey?
it's called "The Killing Floor", a mod for UT2004 :)

not a bad little game, graphics are pretty good too.

it's one of the mods on this months PC Gamer DVD
Well dont know what the actuall screen shot but is, so used fraps and it was taking pictures in widescreen mode - so here is one ^_^
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