The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

=\ ok... i hope your not one who like to play on them SS servers. You playing now/ soon like? Hardly anyone plays it now online
VaderDSL said:
WOW this X3 graphics look stunning - no wonder it runs like a dog ;)

Getting itchy to order this now

It isnt as bad as it was now the patches have started comming in, the latest one (1.2.01) has dramatically increased FPS on the majority of systems, some by up to 50% +. Majority of CTD's have been solved too

Unfortunately due to the publishers deadlines the game wasnt 100% finished upon release :( but even the way it is now, its stunning and good fun trying different things out.

Plus, with time the game will have more features/ships/scripts/patches added to make it even better
hmmm this is a bit off subject, but id never played any of the X games before but i thought that X3 looked awesome and the idea of having my own spacecraft sold it for me ;) but being a new comer i have absolutely no idea how to play this game, i played on it for a few hours but didnt understand what to do... how to buy stuff or anything.... well i did dock on a ship :D but thats about it..... i just wondered if ne1 could give me some help? or a link to a help page or something?

many thanks,
naffa said:
hmmm this is a bit off subject, but id never played any of the X games before but i thought that X3 looked awesome and the idea of having my own spacecraft sold it for me ;) but being a new comer i have absolutely no idea how to play this game, i played on it for a few hours but didnt understand what to do... how to buy stuff or anything.... well i did dock on a ship :D but thats about it..... i just wondered if ne1 could give me some help? or a link to a help page or something?

many thanks,

It is my first X game as well, however there is great stuff on the forums at, or a good beginners guide at

hope this helps, and good luck lol
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Excellent 2nd and 3rd shots there FSB. You using ultra high settings or something, dont remember it ever looking that good before

Holy mining op batman!
FrontSideBus said:
Attack of the Macro-Miners! :D

pah, macro mining is using stupid programs. Mining ops are just very big mining ops :p With some decent refiners waiting to process it back at station.
Heh, I used to hang out in Villore but a mining corp started up there and now there is nothing left of the belts:P Just cans flaoting in space :D
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