I've had my a6000 since March this year, coming from a Canon 60D & a few decent lenses. I got my black a6k + both kit lenses (16-50 & 55-210) via a Hong Kong retailer, but I did get the UK version.
As the a6k doesn't come with a dedicated battery charger, I bought 4x ExPro batteries (same spec as the Sony), together with an ExPro dual charger. I rate the ExPro batteries better than the Sony, as although they are the same spec, they last longer (up to 800 shots using Airplane Mode).
Aside from the 2 kit lenses, which are actually pretty good optically, I also have the following...
12mm Samyang F2 (E)
35-70mm Minolta AF Macro (A)
37mm Mir-1b F2.8 (M42)
50mm Minolta AF F1.7 (A)
55mm Asahi SMC Takumar F2 (M42)
58mm Helios 44M-4 F2 (M42)
135mm Soligor F2.8 (M42)
Steadily adding more manual primes as & when I can
I looked into battery grips, but as they all look quite 'clunky', I've not bothered, but have added an Arca-Swiss L bracket for easy use with my 3LT 'Brian' tripod. All my kit easily fits into my Crumpler 'Light Delight' backpack, and best of all, even with all those lenses, it still weighs a lot less than my old Canon gear.
Although I have the Adobe LR/PS subscription, I prefer to edit my images with DxO OpticsPro 10, which seems to produce much better images, and the noise reduction leaves others in the dust.
I've also done the eye sensor 'mod' to reduce its sensitivity, and now I can use the rear screen better without it constantly switching to the EVF unnecessarily.