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The Ada Lovelace RTX 4090 Owners Thread

19 Jan 2022
I can't see how a 13900K vs 12900K = Big difference at resolutions above 1440P,
There is 0% difference at 4k, I can tell you that much. I had them both, both tuned to the max with 7600c34 ram on the 13900k, 7000c30 on the 12900k. The 4090 already struggles a LOT in 4k with RT (like cyberpunk or hogwarts) so claiming as he did that there is a difference with RT is just a joke. It's so far off reality that I can't accept that this is anything but trolling. I mean sure there might be the odd game out there that isn't GPU bound at all, like I dunno CS GO, league of legends or dota 2 or something like that that shows difference in 4k, but yeah that's not a game you buy a 4090 for.

In order for the GPU usage to drop below 99% on cyberpunk I need to drop to 1366x768p! And he is claiming there is a difference in 4k. LOL

EG1. I'd argue even a 12600k would offer the exact same performance as a 13900k or a 7950x3d at 4k. Actually, ill test right now, ill simulate a 12600k with my 12900k, be right back
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19 Jan 2022
@mrk So just tested it. Turned off 2 P cores and 4 ecores, dropped the Pcore clocks to 4.6 ghz and the ecore clocks to 3.4ghz. At 1080p with RT psycho the card was maxed out during the WHOLE run. That's with an overclocked 4090. So yeah, Dave is laughably wrong. Video uploading, will post it soon :D

EG1. I've been waiting for dave's video for 2-3 months now since he started making those claims but he has been busy playing diablo 4 the past couple of months, a game that was released 2 days ago. Draw your own conclusions.

Here is the video. Judging by the 1080p performance, we need a card 4 times faster than the 4090 to see any difference in 4k. Oh Dave...

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31 May 2023
Too busy playing D4 to cater to your whims, as even when you're proven wrong, you just move goalposts.

The 13900k is simply a faster CPU than the 12900k, all around. At 4K the difference is less, though there are some games with RT where the 13900k pulls ahead, as the 4090 is so powerful.

Also, your story of returning your 13900k for a 12900k due to the power consumption difference sounds nonsense. If you were concerned about power consumption, you'd probably not have a 4090 and would have a very efficient AMD Zen4 CPU instead.
That's right, one of the funniest lies I've read on the internet, and I've read a lot of them. One of his many comments where he lies, he will do anything to console himself and present his hilarious ideas and theories as the only truth. He has been banned on all forums, and here he has received multiple warnings, and he admitted it himself, so all of that gives us a pretty clear picture of what he is like, a clear picture like the DLSS quality mode he praises so much :). The 13900k is better than the 12900k, and new games will further demonstrate that, especially when paired with the 4090. True next-gen UE5 games are coming soon, and the 13900k in combination with the 4090 will continue to distance itself from the 12900k.
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31 Oct 2002
I can't see how a 13900K vs 12900K = Big difference at resolutions above 1440P, the 4090 is indeed very powerful, but no CPU on the market now can fully realise a 4090 at CPU bound resolutions (<1440P) - I can't see there being a healthy uplift at 4K in this context from a 13th gen vs 12th gen.

I've yet to see any reputable benchmarks in reviews showing a big uplift from 12900K to 13900K with a 4090 at 4K either unless there's something I'm missing here....

A 10th gen to /any/ 12th gen is in orders of magnitude better, let alone 10th gen to 13th gen, no refuting that level of generational boost.

0.1% and 1% lows are better on 13900k vs 12900k, due to clock speed difference. It's not a huge difference, but when spending £1580+ on a 4090, many chose to buy the best that's available at the time. That's currently Zen4X3D (7950x3d, 7800x3d), or if you prefer Intel, 13900k, though Intel CPU's have monstrously higher power consumption, making Zen4X3D the best buy IMO.

Either way, I'm currently really enjoying D4. Runs beautifully on both my 13900k and 7950x3d systems. Also whisper quiet with the 4090 Strix.
31 May 2023
0.1% and 1% lows are better on 13900k vs 12900k, due to clock speed difference. It's not a huge difference, but when spending £1580+ on a 4090, many chose to buy the best that's available at the time. That's currently Zen4X3D (7950x3d, 7800x3d), or if you prefer Intel, 13900k, though Intel CPU's have monstrously higher power consumption, making Zen4X3D the best buy IMO.

Either way, I'm currently really enjoying D4. Runs beautifully on both my 13900k and 7950x3d systems. Also whisper quiet with the 4090 Strix.
Exactly, that's why it's so comical and funny to read comments from alleged owners of the 4090 graphics card claiming that they switched from the 13900k to the 12900k XD. Anyone who can afford a 4090 wouldn't downgrade to a lower series like the 12900k just for a slightly lower power consumption. Such users likely have the best power supply and can afford a slightly higher electricity cost, etc. It's incredible what trolls will invent to spread their lies. It's terrible.
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19 Jan 2022
0.1% and 1% lows are better on 13900k vs 12900k
At 720p, yes, they are indeed. At 4k, it's 0%

Either way, I'm currently really enjoying D4. Runs beautifully on both my 13900k and 7950x3d systems. Also whisper quiet with the 4090 Strix.
Did they fix the constant stuttering on the 3d cpus in d4 with FG? Had the same issue on cyberpunk and witcher 3

31 Dec 2008
Question to FE users:
Is the top fan much louder on your card than the bottom one at the same rpms.?
For me it is and makes this buzzing kind of noise. The fan doesn’t seem to have any wobble or play and I think it is caused by air turbulence between the fan and the heatsink as it is reversed.
22 May 2010
Question to FE users:
Is the top fan much louder on your card than the bottom one at the same rpms.?
For me it is and makes this buzzing kind of noise. The fan doesn’t seem to have any wobble or play and I think it is caused by air turbulence between the fan and the heatsink as it is reversed.

You sure its not coil whine?
31 Dec 2008
You sure its not coil whine?
Yeah 100% sure. I can tell the difference between coil whine and buzzing fan, also it’s still buzzing when there is no load on the GPU but the fan still spins.
I was manually enabling each fan and comparing noise at various rpms and the bottom fan makes the usual and pleasant “woosh” sound of air whereas the top one is buzzing.
22 May 2010
Yeah 100% sure. I can tell the difference between coil whine and buzzing fan, also it’s still buzzing when there is no load on the GPU but the fan still spins.
I was manually enabling each fan and comparing noise at various rpms and the bottom fan makes the usual and pleasant “woosh” sound of air whereas the top one is buzzing.

Hmmm sounds like a motor issue then with the fan itself, if its really annoying i would probably look at RMA. Who knows when it might fail.
31 Oct 2002
Question to FE users:
Is the top fan much louder on your card than the bottom one at the same rpms.?
For me it is and makes this buzzing kind of noise. The fan doesn’t seem to have any wobble or play and I think it is caused by air turbulence between the fan and the heatsink as it is reversed.

This is somewhat common for the FE cards. The majority have their case fans on high enough RPM's that they can't notice it. If your someone that enjoys silence and have your case fans at inaudible levels during low load, it will drive you nuts.
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31 Dec 2008
This is somewhat common for the FE cards. The majority have their case fans on high enough RPM's that they can't notice it. If your someone that enjoys silence and have your case fans at inaudible levels during low load, it will drive you nuts.
This is exactly the case. I’m using fractal design torrent compact and have both the front 180mm fans and bottom 140mm fans running completely silent until the card hits certain temperature and the only thing I can hear is the annoying buzzing from the top GPU fan until it shuts off.
The fact that FE fans will not run any lower than 1100rpm makes it that much worse.
31 Dec 2008
I don't, though one of my older 3070 FE cards did exhibit a similar issue which i just RMA'd instead of waiting for it to fail.
I will wait for feedback from few other FE users and maybe then start RMA if their cards don’t do it.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Exactly, that's why it's so comical and funny to read comments from alleged owners of the 4090 graphics card claiming that they switched from the 13900k to the 12900k XD. Anyone who can afford a 4090 wouldn't downgrade to a lower series like the 12900k just for a slightly lower power consumption. Such users likely have the best power supply and can afford a slightly higher electricity cost, etc. It's incredible what trolls will invent to spread their lies. It's terrible.
Maybe I am out of the loop, what people are trolling?

For my own gaming experience etc I'm not seeing any issues with the % lows although yes, every game will benefit from a % lows uplift from any CPU upgrade anyway, that's just the expected norm. When you have a faster CPU, the lows will get a slight bump, nobody seems to be denying that. My experience since getting the 4090 is that I can essentially leave games locked at 100 to 120fps and never see it dip below that, so % lows really doesn't even matter at this point lol. the only games that have issues are those releasing with heavy optimisation issues at launch, which sadly is most AAA games. But as many, I am hoping this starts to not be a tren after this year given recent developments in UE engined titles.

So for that reason alone, for gaming, I see no point in upgrading CPU until the uplift is a considerable increase which then makes more sense rather than just a small bump.
19 Jan 2022
Maybe I am out of the loop, what people are trolling?

For my own gaming experience etc I'm not seeing any issues with the % lows although yes, every game will benefit from a % lows uplift from any CPU upgrade anyway, that's just the expected norm. When you have a faster CPU, the lows will get a slight bump, nobody seems to be denying that. My experience since getting the 4090 is that I can essentially leave games locked at 100 to 120fps and never see it dip below that, so % lows really doesn't even matter at this point lol. the only games that have issues are those releasing with heavy optimisation issues at launch, which sadly is most AAA games. But as many, I am hoping this starts to not be a tren after this year given recent developments in UE engined titles.

So for that reason alone, for gaming, I see no point in upgrading CPU until the uplift is a considerable increase which then makes more sense rather than just a small bump.
If you are playing on 4k your lows are entirely GPU bound, meaning a CPU upgrade won't improve those either. You need a card 3-4 times faster than the 4090 to see any difference between your 12900k and a zen 4 3d / 13900k
31 Oct 2002
This is exactly the case. I’m using fractal design torrent compact and have both the front 180mm fans and bottom 140mm fans running completely silent until the card hits certain temperature and the only thing I can hear is the annoying buzzing from the top GPU fan until it shuts off.
The fact that FE fans will not run any lower than 1100rpm makes it that much worse.

In my experience, the only solution to this is getting a 4090 with the largest cooler you can find. My Strix 4090 is in 0DB mode at idle and at low loads, even in games it's whisper quiet. There are a few AIB cards that are also very quiet, MSI Supreme, Zotac AMP etc.
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