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Apparently this is real.....:eek:

So we have a top section that immediately makes you think of the Simpsons. A guy holding a rifle with what appears to be bent drainpipes in place of fingers and a magazine that doesn't go anywhere near the gun. Meanwhile in the background a guy holding a pistol at a pretty weird angle seems to have an arm much longer than it should be.

Even Picasso would be baffled by this.

The imprint of a Kamikaze attack on a warship from WW2
26 Jul 1945
Her Task Force was attacked by 2 "Val" suicides (Mitsubishi type 99 dive-bombers): one was shot down by escort carrier Ameer and the second by Sussex. However, this latter one bounced on the surface of the sea and impacted the cruiser's hull above the waterline, causing a 2? metre dent. Later in the same day Sussex downed another aircraft.
"You think you do, but you don't"

Turns out we actually did xD


Context: Blizzard claimed for years there was no need for old school (original) World of Warcraft servers as the real demand wasn't anywhere near as big as the noise made for it, turned out after they finally gave in that they weren't just wrong they were astoundingly wrong as it more than doubled their expectations for demand (necessitating the amount of servers being doubled) and eclipsed the popularity of their last expansion lol.
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