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Compensating for something?


They might think it makes them safer, but surely in some kind of apocalypse event, it would just make them a juicier target for gangs? Lots of guns, sure, but only 4 of them - I'm sure a large group would be willing to risk sacrificing a few grunts for the chance of arming themselves with that much kit!
Loony left to legalise rape because "It's OK to have something put in your body against your will, FOR THE GREATER GOOD!!!"

Whilst I appreciate the sentiment, your argument is farcical, because of course making healthcare workers (who have to deal with vulnerable and already ill people on a daily basis) have a vaccine to reduce the chance of them passing on a deadly virus is absolutely the same as rape.

Why not just go ahead and invoke Godwin's law while you're at it? :rolleyes:

Anyway, no-one is forcing her to take the vaccine, they are simply making it a condition of the job, which I think is perfectly fair given the circumstances.

Personally I'd question the suitability of an anti-vaxxer to be a healthcare professional in the first place! Shouldn't she be off diluting plants and polishing blue crystals or something?

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