The All New Desktop Thread, Images No Larger Than 800x600

Hi there,

What do people use for there icons? Programs?

I am only interested in cahnging the icon of the recyling bin, is this possible without a program?

Anyone got any nice icons for the recycling bin? I am after a clean Icon.

Conrad11 said:
Hi there,

What do people use for there icons? Programs?

I am only interested in cahnging the icon of the recyling bin, is this possible without a program?

Anyone got any nice icons for the recycling bin? I am after a clean Icon.


you can use this program to changem ost icons of the whole computer. i do its free too

Or you can download a .ico file of the recycle bin (or two, one for full one for empty)

and do this...

right click on desktop>desktop tab>customize desktop>change your recycle bin in there :)

Robbie Ragdoll said:
Its from a game called MagnaCarta which is very similar to Final Fantasy X. The actual game is apparantly cack, but its become famous as all the artwork is done by Hyung Tae Kim, one of the best illustrators in the industry.

You can get the wallpapers in bigger sizes here -

thanks dude there class

here's my new 1 =D woooo .........

did any one get this image by any chance the full image (below)

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Love this picture :D Its hard to pick between all the ones i got of her :cool:

I got the theme from some 1 on here sorry cant remember the name of person or theme lol but aint stopped using it fantastic :D
bmwx12 said:
For widescreen wallpapers I usually go here
Or here:

Also, did you change the text size on your trillian contact list, and if so how?

Thanks for them links!

I don't recall changing the font size, but you may want to have a prod in Trillian > Trillian Preferences > Contact List, there's a few icon size options in there for spacing. I turned custom icons off, so it just shows the MSN or AIM icon next to their name.

Oh, and the skin is called BlackMilk, and it's here. :)
Hi there,

WAY to big.

Upload it to image shack, and then choose the thumbnail code for Forums1 once its uploaded.

You should get something like this, which when you clicks opens an enlarged version. Click to see which code you need.

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protocol. don't you think your pushing it abit with that screeny ;) i no exactly what you got installed there.
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