The All New Desktop Thread, Images No Larger Than 800x600

After putting XP back on i missed the sidebar of vista so installed it back on XP.

Here's my desktop.

yeah just update myself as i realised. if you go to the "Dock Contents" tab then click "Display open windows along with my icons"
yeah just update myself as i realised. if you go to the "Dock Contents" tab then click "Display open windows along with my icons"

Yea, I have already done that but it doesnt quite do what I am after. When you minimize Speedfan for example it sits in your taskbar as a couple of numbers displaying your temperatures. When you minimize it using ObjectDock, though, it disappears. I am wondering if ObjectDock can continue to display the information despite the program being minimized.
oh you mean the system tray? (bit with the clock in) for that you need to buy the pro version as its one of the addition extras you get

on a higher note, i've decided to make for a change and gone for simplified OSX type theme, with my own custom msn status's :D
(yes the icons are in the style of the vision opal ones but there was enough of them so made my own ones so i can make any icon for the dock i want :))

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