The All New Desktop Thread, Images No Larger Than 800x600


Can i have the link to this plz,Ta
Haven't posted in here for a while so here's my latest:


VS: SlanXP3

Dock: ObjectDock with these icons. (Icons hosted on my site cos I've lost the original dl link).

Foobar2000: Foo AVA

Wallpaper: Avril Lavigne, probably shouldn't link due to subtle swearies.
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Still want that wallpaper :P

Seeing as nobody else has told you yet, and i'm getting sick of people asking for it (:p) i'll help you out.

Search Vikki Blows on google images and you'll come to it eventually, its on a blog site. Can't link directly as it has some naughty stuff on the site.
Seeing as nobody else has told you yet, and i'm getting sick of people asking for it (:p) i'll help you out.

Search Vikki Blows on google images and you'll come to it eventually, its on a blog site. Can't link directly as it has some naughty stuff on the site.

*searches > download > turns of sharing permissions for desktop wallpaper folder*
After a week or so of LiteStep, I got some errors after a reformat - so back to usual Visual Styles, Rocket Dock e.t.c

Minimalist Desktop

(I've got my double taskbar hidden away for full 1900x1200 desktop richness :)
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