The All New Desktop Thread, Images No Larger Than 800x600

Got a bit bored this evening and decided I didn't like the Vista Orb. A bit of playing around later resulted in this:


Okay, okay so it's no Picaso but I'll be changing it again shortly.

do you have a link to this ?

Er, I can't remember where I got the background from if you mean that but I could probably e-mail it to you...

If you mean the "messed-around-with" Vista theme it's one of my own creation which was just a basic first step in redesigning it. Again, if you really want that then I can probably e-mail it to you as well.

EDIT: Aha! Remembered where I found it, right here along with some other really nice wallpapers thanks to whoever Orikon is.
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The site that it's hosted on links to proper nudity at the very least, so I'd say it does cross the line.

Well I didn't explore the site, just looked at the video and was bored, closed it and that was it.

People should check out links before posting them though, to ensure sites don't contain non family friendly things. :)

Thanks marc. I found it on the internet, just edited the colour a bit and resized/cropped for my resolution. I think it was on the official emirates site.

I'd be happy to host if anyone wants.

auckland harbour bridge, my first ever bungee jump was off of it :cool:

gadgets in use : clock, calender, weather, notepade thing, (CPU) multi meter, network meter
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