The All New Desktop Thread, Images No Larger Than 800x600

I've changed my Wallpaper again now :D and here are the settings/theme/skins i use.

Starting with the Wallpaper - HERE

CD case Winamp plugin - Here

The Theme is from Here, I use UXTheme Multi Patcher

Winamp Ipod Skin is Here

The Desktop Data is from Samurize, its my own code/script. Perfer it over konfabulator as it only uses 2mb of Ram.

Click pic for lager res

SherberT* said:
OV3RCLOCK3R, link to your wallpaper?

I cant tell you the link cause i dont know, lol!. My mate sent me that wallpaper. Add me to msn and i'll send it over:)

Tob3z said:
That looks like the perfect black theme OV3RCLOCK3R. Any chance you could tell me what it is? :D


You can get the theme from HERE

I cant tell you the link cause i dont know, lol!. My mate sent me that wallpaper. Add me to msn and i'll send it over:)

You can get the theme from HERE


Is that a StyleXP, windows Blinds or UXthemee compatable?
That theme OV3RCLOCK3R posted is well nice, except the author made a right bodge up of the start menu. If using a full start menu theres a color clash issue. It's UXTheme compatible btw.
Yep thats it. Its got a crappy start menu. But also the bars could be a darker black and the theme could be made more compact. I can have the start bar up to allow 3 rows with black mesa. I cant with this theme.
Kermit said:
I finally got round to setting up Samurize again. Found a cfg on Samurize called something like OverClocked PC and merged it with my TV config :)

Looks a bit ott but knowing whats on tv is important :p


Any chance of grabbing a copy of the TV/System info script please, its awesome!
OK. SpankLikeThis would you be able to export your object dock docks? I like the style of them.

Mark1, if you still reading this thread I have sorted out the email prob. I forgot I closed down my Hotmail account a day before.
So msn or email is on this address mr.tob3z at gmail . com

Everyones desktops are coming along nicely. w00p

excuse the icons (family pc at the moment)

theme: black mesa
calendar: rainlender skin
wall: customised with ss-sff hint for parents
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