The All New Desktop Thread, Images No Larger Than 800x600

just_grass said:
Tolien, Hottiger and Kainz, Can you let us/(me!) know what programs you use for those stat bar things and TV listings?


The black boxes with uptime, network transfer, disk usage etc, are Samurize.
The rest is Konfabulator.

Edit: Bah too slow :p
right Kainz. Have one guess what Im going to ask you. Go on you know you want to.

Would it be possible for you to send me your current script files. Emails In trust.
But I think everyone will admit that is one nice desktop :D
Correction. The Calendar setup on my screenie is Rainlendar
The ICQ/MSN setup is just a minimalist Miranda running the TweakUI plugin. Far right of course is my years old tweaked to the bone samurize config. Just trying to upload it to my webspace but can't connect.

Edit: Should be able to download it Here. It's just the config and nothing else though. I'm assuming you know how to use sammy scripts etc already.
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Yeh... I will press some buttons... do some things...
Lol. Dont worry I will get to grips with it.
Thank you very much for the script :D

Y'Z Dock
Y'Z Shadow
Simple but effective ;)

The wallpaper came from deviantart can't remember the name :(
Start button is my own and the clock is Lclock.
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