The All New Desktop Thread, Images No Larger Than 800x600

Background courtesy of jr1104 :D

Oh, and does anyone know how to change the colour of the start button? I don't like having it blue all the time :s

Glad you like it:)

Here's mine currently:

can you link me up to this? I'm pretty sure I got it off interfacelift but I can't find it anymore after reinstalling windows and I wannit!
Sorry dude - I was pretty sure I got it from InterfaceLift - but now I can't find it :(

If I see it I'll grab it for you :)
Sorry dude - I was pretty sure I got it from InterfaceLift - but now I can't find it :(

If I see it I'll grab it for you :)

I'm going to guess it got removed from there as the user comments suggest it was stolen from a website and submitted as someone else's work.

I didn't grab a copy as it wasn't my thing but I'll have a dig around. :)

If I had a disposable £100 I'd buy that guy a widescreen!

Ok maybe that was going a bit too far ¬_¬
first post from me :p

Hi All,

I would be hugely great full if someone could point me in the direction of those Icons.

And also, how the taskbar and start menu were edited?

I'm assuming the rest was done in Samurize, which I've had a little play with, but cannot figure out how he did that nice calendar down the right hand side of his screen.

Any help on any of the above would be much appreciated.
What mod is it to get the time and date and links etc on your background?

The time/date/weather is a slightly modified version of 10 foot HUD as mentioned above, the links are a rocket dock with these icons: Click

I want. Link? :p

Can't remember where I got it, have it in a folder full of pictures I've downloaded over time so I've put it on some webspace for you: Click
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