The All New Desktop Thread, Images No Larger Than 800x600

I was playing left4dead2 last night but here you go!

Oh I checked social wallpapering as I was sure I saw a text free version but seems there is none!

Ah i see what you did, covering the text with Firefox. Sneaky! lol

No probs. :)
Do you change your desktop every day?

Who Posted?
Total Posts: 12,253
User Name Posts
mrk 322
MarcLister 241

I'm pretty sure only Yantorsen had you beat, and I swear he was making a wallpaper website.
Loads of people ask mrk how he achieved various things on his desktop, that probably accounts for most of them.

What happened to Spamtorsen? What happened to pilky too, they were both big posters?

Nice and simple.
Mrk, do you ever sleep? Ive noticed quite a few times you post screenshots at like 3am! :eek:

I've been catching up with Medium (tv show) the past few weeks each night as I have no work for a while longer so I shall take advantage of this time!
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