The All New Desktop Thread, Images No Larger Than 800x600

Yeah I read about it yesterday. Tis' a shame since it was a very good theme. Luckily I got my hands on the 3.1 wba version but I missed the msstyle for my laptop :(

Original size.

Pretty nice desk there ratbag :)

Heres mine currently...

Theme: 5imple Alpha (comes with windowblinds)
Wallpaper: Peace from
Icons: Milk Unified by ...*?
Apps: Avedesk with Transtunes skin for AveTunes
Music: For Blue Skies by Strays Don't Sleep
Dru, a bit of a simple question here - but I've downloaded the aero tunes you zipped above but where abouts does it go in the avedesk program file?

Do I need to download avetunes first?
As conrad said you need avetunes first. Then just put the aerotunes folder inside the skin folder of avetunes. It's something I need to include when I expand my widgets entry on my blog actually. So it's good this has come up!
Hey, that's all working and I've got a decent set of icons and that done now but is there anyway when I close iTunes it doesn't say "another program is using itunes scripts" bla bla, how can I remove that?

Thanks :)
Currently I don't think there is. Andreas is supposedly working on some code that will detect when you're closing iTunes and automatically release it so it can close normally. Don't know when that'll be released though!

I'm using the latest versions of WindowBlinds and IconPackager. I can't remember the wallpaper/icon/style names though probably found them on :)
messiah khan said:
Very nice desktop there Mr L, nice to see that you are using the amazing Foton theme ;)

Foton is a great theme. There's also a great black version of it called Antimatter but it has a few problems in firefox with black text which I semi fixed but couldn't fix in the history sidebar.
Mundu said:
Foton is a great theme. There's also a great black version of it called Antimatter but it has a few problems in firefox with black text which I semi fixed but couldn't fix in the history sidebar.

What, foton for firefox, where? how? Linky please, and is it for firefox 1.5?
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