The all new Xbox Live Gamertag Site including leaderboard, gamertag db, stats & more!

Guys just a friendly reminder: if you change your gamertag I won't be able to track your score unless you tell me what your new gamertag is. I've had to work out tags from signatures for about six people now.
# Completed feature request to add a 'position change' on the leaderboard. Now you can see if you have gone up or down in position since the last update.
# Completed feature request to increase the x axis to that the peak of the line is visible.
# Tweaked game popularity graph to only show 3 months of data, formatted the x-axis legend and cleaned up rendering to only draw one line if only one game is being displayed.
# Fixed a small bug that was incorrectly rendering commas.
# Temporarily switched off stats that track biggest gamescore increase, due to an unexpected bug. This should return shortly.

Now I have some more free time, I'm moving on to the really cool stuff- achievement tracking, profiles and gamercards. It will take me a while, but it will be done :cool:
SiD excellent site! Makes me even more addicted to GamerScore though :( and im only ranked 37th!

Love the new features too.


Can you add me please? Gamertag - Spunj99

Funnily enough. Only really got a 360 for GTA4 though, playing Dead Rising while i wait for it so dont expect many points from me. :p
Who is this moody guy? i never see him posting around here, I vote he gets removed( so i have a chance of getting to the top spot :p)

I see someone has got a Family Guy gamertag picture somehow, how can i get one? :eek:

A quick google seems to suggest that only the yanks can get 'em, is this the case? :(

I think I read that you have to create a US based profile to download them, but then I think I read that MS are clamping down on that somehow, not sure if they were banning profiles or consoles. Best make a thread about it to be sure.

Who is this moody guy? i never see him posting around here, I vote he gets removed( so i have a chance of getting to the top spot :p)

Well he is a member here. You just need to try harder :p

Could you add me? monkai666 (same as here)
Added, you will appear on the site tonight.
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