All added!Discopooh
Today it was updated... now! Usually it's between 7:30 and 9pm each day. Currently exploring ways of making it more frequent.How often does this site update the stats?
once a day? like a certain time?
Nice site SID, anychance of an add? Live tag = ins0mn1ac1.
could u add me please- madACEUK
Could you do some sort of table of weekly score gains?
Can you elaborate on that? Do you mean a list of your gains on your gamer page, like a league table or something else?
YesWonder if i am top again?![]()
Hmm sounds do-able, let me have a play in SQL and I'll see what I can come up with.Say a top 10, of who gained the most points over a period eg a week.
Added a couple of days ago, forgot to update the thread.vaultingSlinky
Please add me - GT: W1DGET