The all new Xbox Live Gamertag Site including leaderboard, gamertag db, stats & more!

Does McDan1el ever leave the house to do anything else? 65,000 points?! Good grief.

Oh you cheeky minx!

Ive been at 65 for AGGGGGGGGGGGES though i could be so much higher but i rarely play my xbox these days, im far to busy at work :(

I was the highest on the boards for months and months, but Moody is on about 90k i think
Very well done mate, great site. However you left me out also! Was in the old threads, must have been a deleted one or sumot :(

GT: Shickster

Might stop playing on my mates one to show you ladies how its done!
Thanks for the approval guys! I just realised I set up the previous site on NYE last year!

I have added the follow people to the database and they will appear as if by magic once I hit the refresh button at about 7:30:

da mic 153
The Chadd
Add me please mate, gamertag: Faded1984

I'm not one for really bothering with achievement points but what they hey :p
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